The First Of Thousands [Prologue]

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Kim Taehyung walked around the store. His brown eyes focused on everything. The androids, the small descriptions, the aisle, everything.

He sighed as he kept going. Nothing was grabbing his attention. Or better said, he was still to find what he was looking for.

He walked into another section of the store only to notice a peculiar set of androids. The hologram that usually advertised them, only read with "Medical Assistants"

He approached quickly with a big smile on his face. Maybe he has found it.


The entire system started.

The android blinked a couple of times as it adjusted. It was its first time on.

"What about the system?" It could hear a deep voice say.

It lowered its gaze as it noticed a brown hair boy. Its systems scanned him.

The boy looked up and smiled at the android.

"Hey!" He said enthusiastically. "I'm Taehyung!"

The android blinked as it processed information for the first time.

"Come with me" He said. "I have somewhat you need to meet.


Taehyung parked the car. They both got out the car. The white metal and shininess made it obvious it was extremely new.

The android followed Taehyung. They entered and apartment complex. The android blinked multiple times as they approached Taehyung's home.

It remained quiet for the entire time. The process of adjusting was getting a slower start than most.

Taehyung opened the door as the android walked in. The clean and organized home suddenly was downloaded into the android's system. The light brown furniture, the blueish walls, the white ceiling, the wooden floor. Mostly fake wood by the looks of it.

A young man rushed in with a smile that fell instantly as he spotted the android. His black hair, covered his eyes slightly. The android blinked in wonder as it stood still.

"This is our new friend!" Taehyung said excitedly. "And he is here to help you"

The other boy approached with caution.

"Did was your idea?" The black haired boy said.

"It sure was"

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