Spine VII [Jimin's Encounter]

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Y/N opened her eyes as she finished charging. She looked around the room and saw it empty.

She slowly stood up from her sitting position. Her hinges creaked as this was not a normal way for an android to charge. She disconnected the cord from her back before fully standing up.

She walked a couple of steps to makes sure her limbs worked correctly.

She took a step towards the door and her leg bent backward.

She caught herself by holding onto the side of the bed. She sat down and sighed.

"This is getting annoying" She mumbled as she adjusted her leg.

She looked up and saw someone standing by the door. She lifted her eyes even more and saw Jungkook frowning.

"Is your leg okay?" He asked.

Y/N stood up and nodded quickly.

Jungkook closed the door and walked towards Y/N. She lowered her eyes and looked at his shoes.

"Y/N, something is wrong, what is it?" Jungkook said holding onto her arms gently.

She froze. She could feel his gaze as she tried to evade looking at him.

"Come one, please tell me," Jungkook said, shaking her slightly.

She was about to open her mouth until the video played right in front of her. She looked up with wide and scared eyes. Jungkook's face matched and blended as Y/N could only see and feel what had happened at the station.

"Y/N?" Jungkook asked.

She could barely see his eyes but could see the brown under the white.

She began wiggling as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Please" She pleaded as she closed her eye tight and placed her hands over her ears.

Jungkook let go of her. He didn't know if to go find the rest or stay.

The audio of the video finally got out Y/N system. Jungkook could hear metal crushing. He frowned, even more, worried than before.

"Y/N?" Jungkook tried to call softly.

Y/N took steps backward as Jungkook got closer. He stopped moving as everything clicked on his mind.

He retracted his hands and ran out of the room as Y/N fell to her knees to cry. She began to sob freely as the video replayed over and over again.

"Y/N!" She heard someone call.

At this point, she didn't care. She just wanted the whole thing to stop. She wanted her system to be able to forget.

She felt hands hold onto her. She froze as she opened her eyes. The entire floor was colored red.

She closed her eyes again, trying to control the self-defense protocol. She began to wiggle, but the hands were not letting go.

Her ears filled with a piercing beep. She began to twitch as the piercing got louder and louder.

She opened her eyes and released a full charge of electricity through her skin.

The beeping softened as she fell on the floor sideways. She looked around as her systems were glitching over. She could see the smoke rising from her own skin, but she could see even more smoke.

She adjusted her senses as she began to stand up. The glitching went down to a minimum as a soft beeping took over her ear. She stumbled as she stood only for her leg to bend. She fell with a thud and tried to realign her entire system.

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