Chapter 20: Rounding up the team

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Mike POV:

        It had been about 2 weeks and I still had not seen the team or even Sensei.

        There was something off about this forest. On multiple occasions I had seen images of creatures in the jungle, however they ended up just being hallucinations. One time the figure looked so real that I went as far as to attack it with my mace.


        "Who's there?!" I yelled.

        I dismissed the crack as another hallucination and kept walking forward. Someone stepped out of the wooded area. It took me a while to notice but eventually I realized it was Kevin.

        "Kevin!" I yelled overjoyed to see another person.

        We sat down on a rock and upon closer examination I realized something was off. He was shivering violently and had a weird black hair growing on his skin. Not to mention he most likely had a fever and the fact that I could see his bone popping out from the inside of his shirt.

        "Kevin dude are you okay you don't look to hot." I said backing up a bit.

        I heard a couple of incomprehensible words before Kevin looked up. When he finally showed me his face his eyes were completely pale blue with a small black pupil in the middle of his eyes.

        "RUNNNNNNNN!" Kevin growled.

        His hair burst outward in one fellow motion.

        I did not even stay to see the full transformation before I bolted.

        I was drawing energy from the air while I was running to boost my speed, however I knew from the energy coming off of Kevin while he as changing that I would not be able to run for long.

        Suddenly I collided with an unknown figure.

        "Sensei?" I said in shock looking at the now rugged figure before me.

        "Are you really Mike?" Sensei said holding up his staff.

        "Yes I am." I said.

        "WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAY!" He screamed.

        "Um... read my mind." I said hoping that was one power of Sensei's not dimmed by the island.

        "You are Mike." He said letting his gaurd down.

        "Sensei we need to go KNOW!" I said with a high sense of urgency.

        A look of worry crossed Sensei's face.

        "He's here." I said.

        Everything was quiet for a second then the growl.

        A giant paw stepped out of the of the bushes. It was the size of my head. The animal stepped forward all the way it revealed a creature of the likes which I had never seen.

        It was a lion, however it was no normal lion. It had fur that was a dark black and it had pale blue eyes.

        "Kevin what did they do to you." I said staying cautious of the lion.

        I don't even think he even understood what I said because he bared his teeth and just lunged at me.

        "KEVIN CALM DOWN I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" I said evading a claw strike.

        "He's beyond the point of reason Mike, you know what to do." Sensei said.

        "What." I said confused for a moment. Then the truth hit me. "No, no, no, I can't control myself when I do that."

        "Mike it's the only way."

        I told Sensei the same thing Kevin told me before he transformed "Run"

        I closed my eyes and breathed in.

        "Kevin this is your last chance before I have to fight back."


        "I guess we're doing this then."

        I felt the dark energy pulse inside me and I looked at Kevin.


Sensei POV:

        I ran harder than I had ever before. The energy I felt coming off of Kevin when he was I'm the lion form was almost equal to the energy I felt at the bus stop where the team was. It was dark matter unlike any I had ever seen, Dilfar had been planning something and from the power radiating off of that site it had something to do with this new dark matter.

        "Oof." I said as I ran into someone.

        The power coming off of the figure was exactly like Mike's.

        This part of of the forest was so dark that I could not see who was standing in front of me so I automatically figured it was Mike.

        "Oh.. Mike you handled Kevin already." I said shocked to see that Mike had defeated someone of that much power so quickly and had managed to get in front of me so fast.

        The figure in front of me advanced and put his hands on my shoulders and he started draining energy from me.

        "Mike what are you doing?" I said fading away.

        "Taking you back to your team." A gravely voice said before I hit the ground.


Mike POV:

        I had forgotten how it felt to let the power inside me free. For so long I had kept it suppressed but now that it was out I didn't know if i would put it back.

        I could feel energy coming off of every thing in the jungle. The air itself was so powerful it was vibrating.

        "You should have backed down the first time I asked you to Kevin." I said in a mind link to him.

        The lion in front of me just growled louder and jumped at me but now I was stronger so I quickly maneuvered out of the way.

        I reared my arms back and absorbed as much enrgy as I could with them and then in a quick flash I pushed them foward like a cannon in Kevins direction and a huge shockwave of energy emitted from my fist in a giant ring.

        Kevin tried to move out of the way however the blast still managed to clip him and send him barelling through several trees. In a milisecond I  was below where the massive beast would soon fall. I sent more energy keep Kevin off of the ground so he would not get a foothold to attack me.

        Kevin soared higher and higher until I could see him no longer.

        Hmm. Thats weird my energy blast should not have been powerful enough to kepp him suspended that high and for this long. I thought as the minute mark almost approached that Kevin has been I  the air and I began getting on edge.

        Finally after moments of silence a flash of lighting struck the ground behind me in a strike so powerful it sent me foward and I hit a tree hard enough it split down the middle and I felt my self sllipping out of conciousness.

        Laying in the spot that had been scorched by the lightning was now Kevin.

        I heard a couple of footsteps as I drifted away and a feminine voice say "We now have the whole team."

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