Chapter 2: Silver Rhino

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(Pic is of Yen)


This is my first book so I'm looking for any help I can get! Comment please.


"Mr. Pyrognith would you like to tell us the angle of triangle C?" Mr. Yen said. Mr. Yen was Jac's mathematics teacher for his education/fun summer camp. He resembled a Chinese person, but Jac didn't actually know what race Mr. Yen was. He was tall, he had the air and feel of a wise, elderly person, but looked in his late thirties tops, he had a mane of white hair with a prickly white beard, and he had caring, but calculating green eyes with a pale complexion.

"Excuse me, Jacob."

"Umm... 35?"

"I'm sorry but that is incorrect," Mr. Yen said disappointed.

"Ding Ding Ding." the bell rang signaling next period.

Finally last period. Jac said to himself.

The reason Jac was looking forward to last period is because last period for Jac is outdoor sports and today they are playing dodge ball to make matters even better, Mad Mac was on the opposing team so Jac would have a chance to hit him. Everyone got changed out for sports and pretty soon all the students were on the court. The teacher blew the whistle and everyone was off. Balls whisked through the air like bullets.

Jac hit a sixth grader with a leg shot and there was the pounding of balls against skin as students hit each other until finally; there was only Jac and Mac. When Jac started loading up for his mega-throw as he liked to call it an excruciating sharp pain hit his back like a dagger, but it felt as if there were two knives coming from behind his shoulder blades. He staggered to the floor while convulsing and sweating until his eyes fluttered and he passed out.

The first thing Jac heard when he woke up was his mother's voice arguing with a strangely familiar voice.

His mom said, "No he's to young and what will the council think."

"I don't care what the council will think he's not safe here!" the stranger said he paused and calmed down a bit. He said, "I swore to his father I would keep you and Jacob safe and I can't do that outside of-"

My dad.

Jac thought. Jac was told his father was an army General who died in war. His mom didn't like talking about him, so Jac didn't poke.

"Yen, we can discuss this later" Tina said

Mr. Yen! I knew that voice was familiar but why was he arguing with my mom about some Council.

I wanted to listen more but there was an uncomfortable crick in my neck and I had to fix it so I shuffled a bit.

"Jac, thank God your awake I was so worried!" Jacs mom said relieved

Jac looked around the room for Mr. Yen but could not find him in the small emergency room in the hospital.

Huh I didn't hear him leave the room, Jac thought.

"Mom what happened to me?" Jac said, feeling a bit groggy.

"I have an idea, but the doctors don't know exactly what happened. They examined you but all the could find were two small cuts on your shoulder blades."

Jac remembered the unforgettable pain on his back and shuddered at the memory.

"Ok. well whats your idea mom?"

"Sorry sweetie, I'll tell you later," she said a little too sweetly.

"So um Jac, is this the first time this has happened to you?"

"My backs been hurting for while, but it's never been as bad as today," Jac said thinking back about 3 weeks earlier.

"Has anything else unusual happened?" she says pressing on.

"Um well this strange thing keeps happening every now and then when I pick up an object it lights on fire."

"IT WHATS" Jacs mom said angrily, but with a tinge of fear.

"It lights on fire why is that important..?" Jac said questioningly.

"WE NEED TO GO NOW" Jac's mom said scared.

They headed out of town an hour later and that's when it happened. A shiny silver rhino rammed into their car and his mom jumped out. Something ripped out of her shirt and she lunged at amazing speed and flew! Next was all a blur as a streak of light struck him and he was knocked out. The last thing he heard was, "I've captured the boy. What's phase two?"

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