Chapter 16: White Tiger

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Emily POV:

        Although we could hear the growl of the creature it was concealed in the shadows of the night.

        I looked at the outline of it as it constantly eluded my vision, it seemed like some sort of feline. Not your average house pet this was as long as a van and about half the size up.

        "ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT US OR ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP HIDING?!" I screamed into the night. 

        "If you shall ask you shall receive." Suddenly Justin hit the ground hard. For a moment I caught a quick glimpse of what was lurking through the night.

        It was a short moment, however I saw a huge Siberian white tiger snarling at my teammate on the ground. I tried to send a flurry of ice crystals at the feline, however something amazing happened all the white fur of the tiger starting fading away and the actual black stripes just disintegrated.

        There was a growl behind me and Jac yelled "Watch out!".

        Jacs wings sprouted out and he flew in a blur toward the area behind me. There was a loud sound and the smell of singed fur.

        When I turned around the tiger was now a human female; or at least I figured from the body curves. "She" wore a white skin tight suit with her face covered, she had grey streaks on the suit to replicate the design of a tiger. Her entire right arm was badly burned probably from when Jac hit her. You could see her light brown hair flow out an opening on the head of the suit.

        "You may have beaten me this time but I assure you I will be back Assiadain warrior." she said cradling her injured arm."

        Jac jumped, flapped his wings, and moved so fast toward the white tiger that there was a loud boom as the sound barrier broke and all the windows on the street shattered.

        He hit her with a satisfying smack into a building however when he emerged she was nowhere to be found.

        Through panting he said "She got away."

        Jac's wings retracted into his back with a slurp.

        "Who was that?" Kevin asked looking a bit awestruck.

        Ignoring the fact my brother had just developed a crush on a Pygmia I said "I dont know she must be a powerful Pygmia if Dilfar sent her alone."

        I could see that Justin and Jac heard the way Kevin said "Who was that" however they were smart enough to not mention it.

        Eventually after we all got out of our states of confusion we walked to the airport  and using some Nix technology we managed to get the person at the desk to get us a private jet.


Kevin POV:

        I still could not get the thought of the White Tiger out of my head she was amazing and the way she fought was so powerful. The way she made me feel was something I had never felt.

        Disregarding the new emotion I was feeling, I decided to get up and use the bathroom.

        There was a bit of rumbling outside the plane so I used my little bit of control over the weather to make our flying conditons better in order to decrease risk of a crash and the sun came out.

        The clouds receded back as if I had done nothing, however I did not really pay attention to this. I went into the bathroom did my business, flushed, washed my hands and walked back to my seat.

        The plane shook a little bit and the rest of the team woke up.

        "What is going on." Justin grumbled irritably since he was just forcibly awoken.

        The airplane veered downward quickly and then flew back up unsteadily.

         "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Jac said now fully awake.

        "I'll go check on the pilot." I said feeling a little queasy because of the now becoming more frequrent violent motions of the craft.

        I went to the front and I saw a guresome scene in front of me. I called the guys in the cockpit.

        In our view was a murder, the captain was sitting in his chair a small hole charred through his shirt and evidence of patching on the roof. Luckily I noticed so we started to figure out what to do.

        "Justin your some sort of tech guru so you can operate the plane somewhat. Right?" my sister said.

        "I would but some sort of electrical pulse fried all the systems, guys we're going down." Justin said in a panicky voice.

        "Kevin you wouldn't have anything to do with it right?" Emily said a little suspicious.

        "Of course not why would you even think that." I snapped back.

        Before Emily could even apologize the thrusters on the jet cut off.

        "Whoosh" Jacs wings spread and the jet dropped.

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