Chapter 7: Danger in Delaware

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Chapter 7

Jac Pov:

        I woke up more invigorated than ever. I was determined to learn to use my powers to rescue my mom. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, ever since I had learned about my powers I felt uncomfortable in the shower so I tried out this new thing I lit my whole body on fire and I could feel the germs burn away. In a weird way I felt cleaner than if I had showered, not to mention the obvious time save in doing this.

        When I got out of my room extreme pain hit my head like a horrible headache that id never felt before through the pain I heard Mr. Yens voice he said

        Jac this is the way the team communicates, one of my abilities as an omega is mind linking the first time is painful as your brain tries to work out the presence of a new person but after a while it should not hurt. Today you will not be training in the training room the team will lead you to the apprpriate classroom for today's lesson I shall meet you there.

        The pain subsided and I looked up to the team staring at me.

        "First sensei mind link is always the worst." Justin said with pity.

        Kevin hefted me up and I could feel a small shock go through my arm I yelped and fell on the ground again. When I stood up I was mad that he embarrassed me in front of Emily so I grew a small fireball in my hand and hurled it at his smiling face. Before Kevin could create a lightning bolt and start a brawl Emily yelled at us to stop, we both were ashamed so we muttered sorry and walked to the classroom.

        When I walked into the class Mr. Yen  immediatley started the leson.

        "Okay so Jac, Emily has told me she ran you through the basics of the Nix powers. However you should know about the origins of our kind."

        Ages ago when man was not yet created there lived the gods they were creatures of equality and kindness they all possessed powers unique to them. Everyone lived in harmony, until the first Pygmia rose but he did not start out as a creature of darkness though, he was quite normal, up until one day he thought he was better than everyone else so he decided to mess with his powers to be stronger and it worked but in his lust for supremacy he lost self control and destroyed everyone except the first element nixes they managed to defeat him. Unfortunately the damage had been done an the god race was almost gone. Knowing that they would be the last of their kind they created a signal man named Adam the first of human kind and more importantly the first Assiadan Warrior and planted humans such as Hansel and Gretel and many other fairy tale characters you would find in modern children books all over the earth so that the races legacy could live on and they left so that they could come back one day and reclaim the earth and restore powers to everyone so that we can return home as equals.

        "Wow Mr. Yen thats amazing."I said marveling at the fact I was a part of such a beautiful history.

        "Wait that still doesnt explain what the Assiadan warrior is"

        "Ah yes, the Assiadan warrior appears every three thousand years to maintain order we have been through the cycle of assiadan warriors earth, air, lightning, water, and now onto fire which would be you Jacob."

        As relieved as I was to finally know what the assiadan warrior was I feared that if I was I would let everyone down and end up destryoing earth.

        I put my fear of failure a side and asked what was different about our team and other Nixes.

        "Jac we have strongest connection to the original Nixes and when the time comes we will be the salvation of the Earth or at least you guys will be" Mr. Yen said correcting himself

        "Jac we can all go super modes, mine is Aqua Empress, Kevins is Thor and yes that is where you humans get your superstition of the Norse god of thunder, and Justin's is rumbler."

       "Jac I have told the team this and now im telling you be careful with your super modes especially you fire elemntals were known to have strong emotional connection to their powers."

        I ignored the fact he said were and decided to ask him about it later but then I remembered something.

        "Mr. Yen if my moms an omega and I have elemental powers my dad must be an Alpha." I said finally piecing two and two together.


        "So my dads not dead" I said with excitement

        "Umm Jac im sorry but the day you were born your father disappeared" Mr. Yen said.

        My face dropped and I realized I knew where my father was

        "Mr. Yen the other night I had a dream about a man and my mom" I took. a deep breath and said " I think he's in the dark forest"

        After I said that I decided to tell them about the prophecy.

        Mr. Yen tried to act normal after I told him that but I could still see he was still very troubled by this news.

        The rest of the day was spent by me learning how to summon and diminish the flame inside me. At the end of the day I was coated in sweat and for once I welcomed the shower. When I was about to lay down I heard a knock on my door I looked at the clock and it was only 7 pm. I rolled of of my bed and trudged to the door and opened to see who had interrupted my would be nap.

        The team was standing there wearing costumes and masks Emily was wearing a blue spandex suit with alternating colors that reminded me of ice, Kevin wore a cloak with a hood that covered his face in a shadow with black cargo pants and heavy duty boots which as you can imagine are also black, last Justin was wearing a simple black mask. They told me to follow them so I just decided to listen to them because the sooner I did what they wanted me to do the sooner I could return to my nap.

      We walked down a series of halls until we reached the bottom level I thought we were going to exit the building but then Justin hit the ground with his open palm and the floor opened up to a stairway we walked down and entered a room filled with computers and machines beeping and huming.

        Justin turned to me and said "Welcome to the lair this is where we monitor any Pygmia activity around the world"

        "And today you get to pick your costume and your weapon"

        "Cant I do this tomorrow its been a long tiring day" I said irritated they woke me up for this.

        "Sorry crime never rests"

        I cut him of and said "Crime can wait one night."

        Machines around the room the room went of like sirens it was so much I covered my ears.

        "CANT YOU TURN IT OFF!" I bellowed over the noise wishing I was back in my room.

        Finally Justin managed to turn it off he read something on the computer and slowly turned around but he no longer was smiling.

        "Guys Silver Rhinos attacking Delaware. And he just killed the two gaurds down there. Their defenseless." he said solemnly.

        After a moment of silence for the fallen Nixes everyone started running around they each picked up a weapon. Emily had Two daggers, Justin had a metal retractable shield/crossbow and Kevin had two sharp curved swords.

        Since I didn't pick a weapon or suit yet Justin tossed me an old mask and told me not to worry about a weapon yet.

        Justin picked up a small silverball and threw it on the ground hard it opened into a giant colorful swirling wormhole.

        "What do you say Jac are you ready to put your powers to good use." Emily said just before she disappeared in the portal Justin jumped in after her.

        "GUYS I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS" I screamed over the noise that the portal was making but before I could decide I felt a hand push me into a void of darkenss.

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