Chapter 4: My crush has powers

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(Pic is of Emily)

Jac POV:

Ugh my head hurts. Why is it that people just love knocking me out honestly what did I do. I swung my feet of the bed and immediately felt woozy if it weren't for a hand grabbing me I would have hit the floor.

I mumbled a thank you and stood up. I surveyed my surroundings there were two chairs in the room and a window. Everything in the room was organic it was made of wood and earth but the strange thing was that there were no seems in the room or on the chairs like it was molded into its shape after looking around the room I decided to take a look at the person who saved me from another injury Immediately I was star struck I couldn't say anything it was....

" mean....who...umm"I stuttered lamely, I got my self together and said the first question that popped into my mind

"Where am I?"

As if this was all normal she simply said "Your in Nixton."

"Whats Nixton?

"Sensei will answer your questions"

When I got it together and stood up Emily was already walking away to lead me to this sensei person. As we walked through the hallways I marvelled at the care that was put in to creating this building there were no seams no cracks or anything and the walls were as smooth as a baby bottom the journey ended almost to soon and I made a mental note to explore the halls more when I got the chance. Emily opened the door and I walked in but instead of seeing a sensei I saw Mr. Yen sitting in a chair in a white robe next to him stood the two other kids who had fought Dilfar. They both looked banged up, I suspected it was from fighting Dilfar I wondered how powerful this Dilfar character was. The silent dark haired one resembled someone I have seen before but I couldn't put my finger on it he had a scary looking old scar running jagged from his eye to his jaw line he had a low nose with startling grey eyes and a pale complexion he and Emily had a very similar features so I figured automatically they were brother and sister, however that's not the similarity I was thinking about...?

The other kid was tan with dusty blonde hair with caramel brown eyes he was very energetic I could tell by the way he jumped up and down when he saw me which was the total opposite of the silent ones reaction. The dark haired one introduce himself as Kevin and the jumpy one introduced himself as Justin.

"Ah Jac your awake how was your nap" Mr. Yen said.

"Mr. Yen what am I doing here and where's my mom" I said with deep seeded anger.

"Calm down Jac your here beca-"


Suddenly I caught on fire and flames rippled on my arms like when Dilfar caught me. It was a weird sensation I felt the heat but it didn't burn me it was almost peace full. I snapped back to reality when a streak of lighting hit me; immediately my peace disappeared and i was angry again I turned around to look at my attacker it was Kevin instead of passing out again I moved at a lightning speed I didn't even know I had and I loaded up for a punch, but then the ground shook and I tripped I looked around for the source of this strange earth tremor; what i saw was weirder than any lightning shooting human Justin was shaking the earth itself by stamping on the ground with his feet I was about to summon another fireball but a distantly familiar voice in my head said

Jac stop this is what they expect you to do control the rage.

As if a switch had been turned off I suddenly felt calm but extremely tired I passed out again but this time it was because I was tired not injured.

I woke to Mr. Yen/Sensei Yen arguing with a man.

"I understand the safety of the boy is of utmost importance but must you bring him here do you not remember why we eliminated his kind."

"If you are questioning why I brought him here you obviously do not understand the direness of the situation; the boys in danger, Dilfar fears he may be the Assaidan Warrior."

"Yen I understand you are a member of the council but you are still a minor Omega so do not think you are special."

The strange man lowered his voice and said "His kind were killed because their powers were to strongly linked to their emotions this afternoon was a perfect example remember that his kind ended the air elemental lineage."

I heard whoever was talking walk away and I gently opened my eyes.

"Sensei Yen I mean Mr. Yen i umm..."

"Hahaha you can still call me Mr. Yen but here I am known as Sensei Yen or Council-Man Yen." he said light heartedly

"Yea ok um ill figure out what to call you later sorry about earlier I don't exactly know what's happening to me."

"I understand this must be scary, confusing, and hard for you do not hesitate to ask me any questions"

"Where's my mom"

"I'm sorry that I do not know where she is, you see when Silver Rhino kidnapped you and your mom some scouts I had sent to watch you saw him pick you up and put you on a car but your mom was sent to the dark matter forest"

"So you if you know she is in the dark whatever forest then why don't you rescue her" I said pleadingly

"I am sorry but it's not as simple as that you see me and you and everyone in this town are Nixes which are gifted creatures of light and good the dark matter forest is created out of pure darkness even if someone could survive the evils that live in the forest the darkness that eliminates from the forest would overcome them."

"Oh ok" I said on the edge of tears but then I remembered my newly discovered powers and thought with them I could save mom and said "So couldn't I save her with my new powers."

"Yes I suppose so but Dilfar would undoubtedly try to stop you and even if you could possibly be the Assaidan Warrior you have not yet honed your powers..

"Hey Dilfar was talking about an Assaidan Warrior too, what is that anyway and what's so important about it." I said letting some suspicion creep into my voice.

"That's a story for another day, ill tell you tomorrow" he said faking a yawn "There is button in the corner of the room press it and say into it what you would like to eat and it will appear on that tray there are clothes of your size in the closet, the TV offers unlimited channels so just press in whatever you want; get some rest its been a long day and tomorrow you begin training goodnight."

I didn't care about the dangers of the dark matter forest or how much power Dilfar had the only thing running through my brain was REVENGE.

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