Chapter 5: Jac's Friend pays a visit

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(Pic is of Mike)

Emily POV:

I woke up to my alarm going off. I still remember last nights events I cant believe that Jac is here of all places I've had a major crush on him since forever, the only reason I dated that bully was because I suspected him to be one of Dilfars spies.

"I should get I up or Sensei will have a fit" I mumbled to myself.

I got up and headed into the shower and when I felt the water hit my back I was immediately relaxed because as a water element Nix I was strongly connected to water. To my dismay I had to get out if I didn't want to be late to training, I quickly changed into my training gear and headed out Sensei must have done a mind link became I heard a voice in my head say

Emily could you please wake up Mr. Pyrognith.

Not wanting to sound to excited or nervous I quickly said "Yes Sensei"

I knocked on Jacs door and stepped into his Barracks, half of his room was soldering and he was standing there with a smile on his face.

"Sorry I was trying to figure out my powers" he said "Its OK Justin can fix it, although I'm sure he'll be upset." I told him reassuringly.

"Wait how is Justin going to fix this mess" he said doubtfully

"Hahaha you honestly don't know" I said amused at his little knowledge of the Nixes

"Know what" Jac said curiously

I sat down and said "K well let me give you a little crash course on the powers of the Nixes there are alpha and omegas alpahas can control the five elements earth-"

"Wait don't you mean 4 earth, air, water, and fire" he said confused

"No I mean 5 your forgetting my brothers element; lightning"

"Oh yea him" Jac said with malice clear in his voice

"Aww come on its not his fault you caught on fire he was just a little freaked he hasn't seen a fire alpha since..." I cut myself off knowing Jac would not yet be able to handle the truth about his kind.

Jac saw this was a sensitive subject so he didn't push, thank God for that.

"He couldn't have said calm down or something" Jac said knowing I was defending my brother."

"Yea I suppose your right" I said cutting him slack

"So whats an omega" he said begging me to tell him more about the strange world he had just been tossed into.

I explained to Jac how Nixes were divided into two groups omegas the ones with small powers such as teleporting, flying, dimension jumping, etc...

And the alpahas with elements

After I was done explaining all of this to him I realised that it was almost 7 and that's when training starts so I told him not to worry about the damage done to his Barracks and to just change because there was no time for him to shower.

I used my super Nix speed to get down to the training room first and as usual Sensei was just sitting there in his chair drinking tea.

"Ah there you are you are usually here before the others. Did you awake Jacob."

There's one of the things I love about Sensei; even though he has the ability to read my mind he takes the time to ask me questions.

"He was already awake when I got to his barracks Sensei; he was trying to practice using his powers." I said holding back a laugh

"Oh how much of his room is left" Sensei said while chuckling.

"Lets just say Justin is going to have a going to have a fit" I said pitying Jac

I didn't even know that was not the real reason his room was messed up.


Jac POV:

I was so happy I had a conversation with Emily without freaking out. The conversation was perfect except when I had to lie to her once.

The truth was my room didn't really get scorched by me "practicing" my powers like I said. I actually had a nightmare.

I was running through a dark forest being chased by some type of creature I stopped in a clearing and saw my mom and a strangely familiar man strapped to two trees I didn't know the man but I felt compelled to save him along with my mom I tried to untie the knots on their bonds. Then a demon like scream came from the forest and I started shooting fire balls at this strange creature but nothing was slowing It down it lunged and I was so angry I was totally engulfed in flames. I fought the creature but in the end it cocoon ed me in its darkness and I was no longer myself. Dilfar stepped out of the shadows and told me to kill my mom and the other man. I tried to resist but my actions were no longer my own he handed me a dagger and I walked forward to the man first I raised the dagger, I could see the fear in his eyes I raised my hands and...

I woke up just as the tip of the dagger touched the man's skin I was drenched in sweat and my room was destroyed I spent like an hour cleaning up one side of the room I heard Emily knock and I smiled so she wouldn't suspect any thing.

WEOWEOWEOWEOWEO an alarm blasted as I walked walked out of my room Emily, Justin, and Kevin rushed down the hall gathering weapons I asked Sensei what was going on and he said that training would have to wait because Dilfars troops were attacking the city walls.

I didn't know much about this city but in the day and a quarter I've been here it's become my home an I didn't like that Dilfar was jeopardizing that. I told Sensei to let me fight but he said it was to dangerous if Dilfar caught me so I had to stay. I wanted to go more than anything but if Dilfar caught me again I couldn't save my mom so I hung back and watched the fight on my TV while eating a plate of fries. I nearly choked when I saw who was leading the small brigade attacking the walls, he had a dark robe on and be was a little beaten up but I'd know that tangled brown mess of a head anywhere.....MIKE.

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