Chapter 18: The Island

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Jac POV:

I awoke hanging from something. The jungle floor was below me. I tried swinging to get down which was a bad choice because felt an unimaginable pain go through my wings. It seemed that the piece of the plane that hit me broke my right wing.

There was a crack as the branch I was on broke and I hit the ground.

In what seemed like an eternity I painfully retracted my wings back in my back.

"JUSTIN justin justin!" My voice echoed through the dense forest.

"EMILY emily emily!" I tried again.

"They can not hear you." I heard a familiar voice say to me.

I slowly turned around and saw a the same girl that attacked us earlier at the bus stop.

"YOU" I said articulating every piece of malice in my voice.

There was the horrible crunching sound of what I figured was the girls bones reshaping as she transformed into what I now call ''The Beast".

The girl finished her transformation and the terrifying tiger that I had seen at the bus stop was now staring me down.

Her roar resonated through the jungle and when I say roar I mean her voice shook trees in a blast of air.

She made the first move; she disappeared and reappeared behind me. I lit my hands aflame and threw a punch at "The Beast".

We fought for what felt as if it were an eternity until neither of us could could continue.

"Time to end this." I muttered under my breath.

I stood up and drew from as deep inside myself as I could without using my core.

"I've got some tricks....left up my sleeve." I said panting.

"Yeah; well me too." The girl said.

She stood up, now in human form and the leaves and small branches and twigs around her started moving in a circular motion.

Before I could figure out was about to do a ripping sounds cracked through the air in front of the girl and a swirling purple portal opened and a man stepped out. He grabbed both of the girls hands and said "Now we wouldn't want to expose your little secret would we."

The figure looked in his late teens. There were no distinguishing marks on his body because he was covered head to toe with clothing except for his hands. He wore a black shirt with a leather jacket and cargo pants; on his head he had a mask that was all black with purple flame designs around the eyes. The mask looked like it was made out of some kind of smooth material like rubber or something.

There was something of about this guy when he started walking toward me I felt my body lose a fraction of its power. I threw the biggest fire ball I could muster at the person, however he used his hand to absorb it as if it were nothing.

"Don't bother fighting." The guy must have been using a voice modifier because his voice was deep and gravely.

"Every time you exert energy I gain it." I could practically see the evil grin behind the mask.

I tried to send more fire at him, however at this point it was just harmlessly bouncing off his chest.

When he finally got right in front of me he grabbed both my hands he started taking energy from me.

Right before I passed out I heard "Don't worry you will soon be reunited with your parents."


Twins POV:

The twins had been relaxing in their secret layer for the past two weeks since the rescued the lightning Nix from the fire Nix. After they had rescued the Lightning Nix they used their super speed before the water and earth Nix could capture them.

"Jet that money from the bank would have set us up for weeks for rent we need to hurry up and rob a new one or we will be evicted. The problem is now the Pure bloods have seen our faces so I don't know what we're going to do."

Jet super sped to the balcony his brother was sitting on and silently examined their bills.

"I have an idea Carter we could be normal for once and get jobs." Jet said snarkily. This was rare because Jet generally did not speak.

"You know why we can't do that Jet, every time that we try to do something normal it goes bad for the people we connect with."

"Yeah whatever dude." Jet said as he waved Carter off.

That same night while the twins were sleeping they had the same dream that there was a man with a black mask next to a girl wearing a spandex suit and in front of them was the same blonde kid from New York.

Carter turned to Jet and said while rubbing his head as if he had a head ache "Well I guess we're going to the Bermuda Triangle."


Mike POV:

I had been wandering around this forest for what seemed like hours.

The Sun was slowly and surely starting to set behind the horizon so I decided to bunker down for the night in a cave.

Sensei are you there? I thought.

Hello? Sensei was not answering.

I racked my brain thinking of the worst possible scenarios that may have occurred. I remembered that Sensei said his powers did not work as well on the island so probably that was the case. Even though I knew the island interfered with Sensei's powers a piece of me still felt off.

When I woke up I felt a weird tingling sensation at the base of my spine pulling me towards a certain direction.

I kept walking and walking until I came to what seemed like a spot where a battle happened. Huge branches were snapped and on multiple trees there were the largest claw marks I had ever seen.

I stooped close to the ground and noticed how the prints were irregular and inconsistent as if the creature was in a spot one second and gone the next. This was not a good thing because it demonstrated that I am most likely dealing with a teleporter, and from my own personal experience teleporters tend to be quite a pestilence. The prints and claws marks were not the only distinguishing marks that indicated a battle; the leaves and shrubbery around the area were singed.

Jac has been here.

I searched around for some kind if sign to show where Jac had gone but I could not see anything and the pulling sensation I had earlier was gone.

I had no idea what was happening but the one thing I did know was that Dilfar was planning to execute his master plan soon and we would all be here to witness it whether we wanted to or not.

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