Chapter 8: Captured

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Emily POV:

        The portal spit us out in a small town called Magnolia Jac turned around and immediately hurled. I felt bad for him, I forgot to warn him about the effects of portal jumping. Kevin flipped out of the portal with a grin on his face I automatically new Kevin pushed Jac and decided to pay him back for that later.

        We landed in the backyard of some kids house he just sat there and stared at us.

        I mumbled hi and heard explosions in the distance so me and the team rushed off.

        When we got there we were greeted by Silver Rhino tearing up a local Wal-Mart. After we had cleared out all of the civilians we drew our weapons.

        "Well well well, look who crashed my party. I was just starting to have fun." Silver Rhino said.

        "Sorry to disappoint you." I said with disgust in my voice.

        "And who are you to stop me?"

        "We are the Nixes that are going to kick your butt"

        He burst out in laughter and said

        "You are nothing but a sad group that I will dispose of like I did to the 2 guards who tried to stop me." he said making sure we knew he would kill us.

       And at that we lunged. Justin started out with his crossbow and shot one after another at SR. As always he shot with amazing speed and accuracy I am yet to see him miss a target when he aims at it, however SR was to fast for him and he picked them up in mid-air and threw them back at us we all dodged but Justin got hit and the arrows had so much force behind it when SR threw them they hit his shoulder and in turn he hit some rubble and got knocked out so he was out of the fight. Then Kevin advanced and he drew his swords one of the perks of my brother being a lightning Nix Is that he moves so fast it is as if he is teleporting.

        Kevin stabbed at him but by the time he had gotten there all that was there was air.

       "You know Kevin it does not have to be like this we can work together." and at this Kevin jabbed even faster and filled them with more anger.

        "I-WILL-NEVER-WORK-WITH-YOU-YOU-EVIL-MONSTER!" Kevin said between slashes.

        Finally SR decided to end it and he shot lightning at Kevin, my brother tried to block it by using his own powers and making it go back towards him but he was not as powerful as him so eventually he was shocked and he crumpled to the ground.

        "Ah so I guess it's just me you and the Assiadan Warrior left." before I could react he shot lightning at Jac  knocking him out and said

        "Would you like to give up?"

        "What are you afraid that you can't handle a little girl." I said teasingly.

        "Well then let's get this started." he said as he cracked his knuckles.

        I felt water moisture materialize around me and I shot thousands of little frozen darts of water towards his direction he moved out of the way towards me but I was ready and I froze the ground he slipped and hit the wall hard.

        I thought I had won but he slowly got up and threw lightning at me I stepped back to dodge but I was to late and some of the lightning hit me and I rammed into a car and broke the windshield.

        Then I realized something, there would be no point of attacking this small town because he would not gain anything from this.

        Jac! He knew we would take him with us to stop him it's a trap.

        I wanted more than anything to let the world to fade away and fall asleep but I had to stay strong for Jac and the team. I got up and we circled each other when I got near Justin I slipped a portable portal ball or a PPB out his pocket and I threw it on the ground as hard as I could but it didn't work. I wasn't strong enough so the PPB didn't get enough of a grip to open. Then I had an idea.

        "Everyone knows your an animal and your probably to stupid to stop me in that form.

        "Is that why you can't fight as your Rhino." I said taunting him to change.

        My plan worked and I saw his eyes change from silver to almost mirror like. I was momentarily blinded by his change as there was a bright flash of light, suddenly standing in front of me was an immense Rhinoceros. He charged at me and at the last second I jumped out of the way and used my remaining power to send him across the lot with a blast of water but before I did that he had stepped on the PPB and triggered it I picked the team and one by one dragged them and threw them into the portal. When everyone was through I couldn't stay awake any longer and I passed out and the last thing I saw was the portal disappearing while I layed on the pavement SR changed back and said

        "Your going to come with me little girl."

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