Chapter 3: Return to Nixton

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(Pic is of S.R)

POV: Jac

        "Jac, Jac, Jac"

        When I regained consciousness I saw Mr. Yen but he looked different like in a flash back. He was all blurry and out of focus.

       "Jac I'm cannot sustain the mind link i'm sharing with you for much longer but I can tell you one thing. Be careful no matter what these people say don't give in. I'm on m...."

        Mr. Yen's voice faded out and the dream dispersed.

        Who was he talking about? I thought to myself. But I didn't have a chance to find out before a man burst into the room.

        I tried to move but I found out I was strapped to the table like a cornered animal and I did not like this, the man that walked into the room was very tall probably taller than most basketball players, he had a strong build like someone in the military, and a chiseled chin with sharp handsome features, but the thing that caught my eyes were his eyes they were silver. Immediately I knew that this was the thing that attacked me and and my mom.

        Mom where's my mom I hadn't seen her since this thing attacked us.

         "WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS MY MOTHER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

        Suddenly I felt like fire was running through my vains burning me from the inside. I was afraid I was going to grind my teeth so hard that I would snap them.

        "You insolent fool you may be the Assaidan Warrior but I will not hesitate to fry you alive." the strange man said.

        The pain subsided and another man walked into the room. This man was different he portrayed the look of a nice person but something in the back of my mind told me otherwise.

        "So you are the assaidan warrior that every ones been buzzing about" the new man said.

        There's that name again whats the Assaidan Warrior and whats so important about him/her.

        "He's so young how did you detect his power so easily Silver Rhino."

"What the strange thing is Dilfar I usually detect powers after the Nixes turn 18 but he is only 12" Silver Rhino said.

        I muttered something through a breath and Dilfar as Silver Rhino called him asked me what i said.

        "I said I'm 13 my birthday was today"

        "Well don't expect a cake kid" Silver Rhino said.

        Even without the fact that Silver Rhino attacked me and my mother he was still an overall jerk for no reason.

        "Now Now no need to be mean to our little guest here I mean it is his birthday." Dilfar said with false kindness.

        "You have no right to hold me here I will call the police on you guys."

        They both laughed at me and that only fuled my deep seeded anger. The next few minutes went by so fast it was almost a blur; First I lit on fire then I shot flames at my attackers last not least but most embarrassing was that I was so scared of my power I didn't notice Silver Rhino getting up and shooting a lighting bolt at me. Great I thought to my self as I felt my brain starting falling out of consciousness again. The last thing I saw was Mr. Yen and three other kids my age appear out of thin air and start fighting Dilfar.

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