Chapter 9: Family

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(Pic is of Kevin)

Kevin POV:

        My heads on fire.

        I swung my feet off the bed and looked around. I was in the infirmary next to Jac and Justin. Jac looked like a train wreck his blonde hair was spiked up and he had a scar similar to mine running across his right eye otherwise he was peacefully sleeping, on the other hand Justin looked pretty bad his shoulder was bleeding and he had a cast on his arm.

        My spirits were lifted for a second when I realized that any injuries sustained by lightning Nixes or Pygmias were permanent including Jacs hair and its new look.

        I decided to wait for Justin and Jac to wake up so we can all go for answers.

        I waited for an hour before Jac finally woke up he looked horrible.

        "What happened to me." Jac said feeling his eye.

        "I don't know I was waiting for you guys to wake up so I could go ask sensei"

        "Ugh my head." he got up and limped to the mirror.

        "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!" Jac said obviously not liking his new look. He was steaming, literally, his body was smoking.

        It took all my years of keeping a serious face to not burst out laughter.

        I explained to Jac his new look was there forever.

        We waited for an hour and a half before Justin woke up and hurled. He was sweating and convulsing a few omega healing Nixes rushed in and kicked us out so they could help him. I was worried about him but I had to get answers so me and Jac left.

        When we got to sensei's room door he was sitting in his chair as if he was expecting us.

        I suppose you seek answers to what happened to you. Sensei said in our heads.

        Images flashed through my mind.

        "EMILY!" he took her, he took the only light thing in my life. I'm fine with him always trying to kill me or make me side with him but this was the final straw.

        "I'M GOING TO RIP HIM LIMB FROM LIMB!" I screamed at no one in particular.


Short Jac POV:

        My head was pounding and I still could not see very well out of my right eye but I swear Kevin started glowing. And his eyes turned all grey.


Kevin POV:

        After blowing up a few items in Sensei's room I stormed out and that's literal, with me having lightning crackling all over my body mixed with my super speed I looked like I was a storm as I moved out of the room.

        "KEVIN!" I heard Jac yell at me from across the hall.

        "Being mad at everyone is not going to get her back." he said and for the first time since I met him I agreed with him.

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