Chapter 12: The Truth

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Emily POV:

        I woke up in one of the standard infirmary rooms.

        What happened? Images started flashing through my mind then it hit me. I went into super mode.

        I could not put into words the power I felt before I passed out. It was as if I had just awoken my abilities.

        The last thing I remember was Kevin falling off the cliff and before my vision went blue, I knew what I was doing but it was as if I were a passenger in my own body.

        I exited out of the room to search for the others. As I walked down the infirmary building hallaway I noticed everything was sharper and clearer, I felt as if all of my senses had been enhanced and I was so overwhelmed it was almost painful, no it is painful.

        "Ahhh!" I screamed as I buckled to the ground.

        The healers heard me and they rushed towards me. Everything was so bright and intense, one of the healers bent down to help me and I could smell the mint gum she had an hour ago as if it was shoved inside of my nostrils and the mint was like acid to my eyes. All the sounds made me want want to rip my ears off, if you know the expression you could hear a pin drop well imagine the pin being an atomic bomb. It was so unbearable I dug my finger nails into my ears and drew blood but it didn't matter. It took three male healers to stop me from ripping off my ears, eventually after me yelling at everyone to keep quiet they restrained me long enough to inject me with a thick purple liquid. I was finally relieved of the pain as all my senses turned down and I felt like taking a nap.

************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************30 min later.

        When I woke up again I was in a padded white room with boxing gloves on my hands and ear muffs on my ears that were also white. There was a double sided mirror on one wall of the room which im guessing was for people to see me without me seeing them. Sensei's voice came from my head.

        Wow your super mode is very powerful that dosage would have killed an elephant and all it did was knock you out for half an hour.

        Sensei where am I. I said confused to as I had fallen asleep in the hospital and woken up in a room that looked like it was for crazy people. 

        As you have figured out you have experienced the Aqua Empress, what i did not tell you guys is that as you become accustomed to your super modes new abilites will appear.

        Like what.

        I think it is best you discover that on your own seeing as every ones abilities differentiate.

        So why am I here.

        One common thread of all of your super modes is that all of your senses are increased after your first time going into super mode that is the pain you had felt when you walked out of the infirmary room. This is a room designed to help with the change you have just gone through, that is why everything is white so that you can not focus on one thing for too long.

        As your body gets used to the presence of a new upgrade to your ability you will start to get better, of course the attentiveness wont go away however it will not hurt.

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