Chapter 19: Captured

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Emily POV:

        Justin and I had been on the island for about two weeks now. It felt like the island extended forever because we had seen no one else here. Even though we did not see any actual people the abundance of creatures was stunning. These were no normal animals these were the stuff of nightmares and legends.

        "Emily, can we get something to eat I'm getting tired of having a pure diet of leaves." Justin whined for what was possibly the millionth time this morning.

        "I'm sorry but this is the only option and since you..." I stopped myself but the message got through and Justin finished what I was going to say.

        "Don't have my powers I know." Justin looked down.

        We kept walking forward in silence after that.


        "Shh....what was that? "Justin said while pulling his shield off of his back.

        Justin loaded an arrow in his crossbow.

        Everything happened so fast it was impossible to register. First, another branch broke and Justin fired at the bushes, then two figures emerged from the greenery at near lightning speed and one of them caught the arrow.

        "You two" I said looking at the two twins.

        "Yea us, by the way I think I want you to address us by our actual names from now on." The one who caught the arrow said to Justin and me.

        "Why are you here, are you guys working for Dilfar because we're not going down without a fight" I said materializing my dagger in my hand.

        "We don't want to hurt you, my brother and I both had visions about this island so we came." He said.

        "Give me a moment" I turned around and looked at Justin we silently argued until finally we came to a decision.

        "We will allow you guys to help us, however if I even sense even the slightest hint of betrayal I will not hesitate to end your lives."

        "Okay yeash and by the way our names are Carter and Jett" The one who was talking indicated himself to be the twin named Carter.

        There was a tense silence after carter said his brother and his name so Justin spoke up.

        "Okay well now that we have all the pleasantries out if the way my name is Justin Quake and this is Emily Amos."

        After I filled the twins in on our current situation that opened a small gateway for trust and soon enough we were all laughing.

        "So why don't you guys show us what you can do." I said curiously.

        "Okay come on Jett why don't we show them what we can do." Carter said.

        In a blur the twins sped off.

        There was a tap on my shoulders and I turned around expecting it to be the twins, however the figure standing before me was far from the twins. It was a man wearing an all-black mask with purple flame designs around the eyes.

        I unsheathed my dagger and looked at the new foe. "Who are you?"

        "Hahaha; finally, I have been looking for you two for a week did you know that when you take the blood of a Nix sibling and do a bit of spells on it, it automatically becomes a little tracker." The man spoke obviously using a voice modifier.

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