Chapter 3 - Bathroom shenanigans

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I lift my head hesitantly, feeling embarrassed that I just cried my eyes out and someone else heard it! I lift my head and I'm looking right into concerned hazel eyes, oh my god No, it's Alec!

he is bent on one knee, with he's right hand resting on my shoulder, " Hey, you okay!"

for some reason seeing him again, has made me feel calmer, " what are you doing in the girl's bathroom?? "

He now has a smile on he's face and even laughs a small amused chuckle, " I was in here cleaning", he releases he's hand off my shoulder, he points to a cubicle near the door, " I was in that cubicle cleaning when you came running in, I take it you didn't see the cleaning in progress sign"

Could I get anymore pathetic!!

"oh, sorry I didn't see it", feeling somewhat embarrassed now at the fact he heard my ugly cry, I break eye contact and bow my head, fiddling with some loose thread on my jeans,

there is an awkward silence between us that feels like it goes on forever when in fact it's only been seconds, I hear the sound of Alec clearing he's throat, then he shifts he's body so that he is next to mine, our bodies are so close they are almost touching, I can feel the warmth coming from he's body he is so near to mine

suddenly he places a finger under my chin urging me to lift my face, I oblige and am now facing him, Alec reaches up and tucks a stray hair from my face placing it behind my ear, he's touch is so soft and intimate when he does so, it sends a shiver down my body, the good type of shiver, the type of shiver that leaves you craving more!, I can't say I have ever had this sensation from so little contact, maybe I've been single for too long if that's all it takes,

"Do you want to talk about"?

All that's currently on my mind right now is how much I want Alec to touch me more!, Alec is searching my eyes as if he is trying to read my thoughts, I pray he can't read my thoughts!, what would he think of them!..

" I'm so embarrassed your scene me like that! I'm not usually someone who does this,

He shrugs my shoulder with he's playfully, " What! Show emotion"

instantly there is a huge smile on my face, and I shrug him back, " No, just not usually in public', I think today I had just reached my limit"

" captain douche again?"

" kind of more he's off sider Brock on this occasion, they had made comments about me being too fat for my jeans, before I literally bumped into you, and then in English, in rather serious moment after I read a quote from the Scarlett letter, which I hate public speaking he started making pig and cow noises," and I know that's a stupid thing to let get to me, especially since I've taken so much worse from them, but it did!!.

when I finally shut up! I realise I had started to ramble,

I look over to Alec who is giving me he's full attention, he looks down at my jeans then back to me giving me what seems to be a confused look, the way he was looking me over, I start to feel a tad self-continuous, and the puzzled look isn't helping!,

" But you're not fat? not at all, I'm confused?', not to sound to direct but those jeans defiantly do not make you look fat!', your gorgeous Jess"!!"

I feel my cheek's heating up from Alec's comment, oh no don't blush Jess! I try and cover my cheeks with my hands without being too obvious as why

" I use to be fat in middle school, I struggled with my weight, Dean and he's mates use to pick on me back then too, but I lost the weight and had a growth spurt, but still Dean and he's group, for some reason, they won't let me forget or live it down, they still make me feel like I'm fat!"

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