Chapter 1- Jess

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Moments. Life is full of them. Some good. Some bad. Some you do not even recall. One thing I know for sure. we spend our whole lives looking back to moments, asking ourselves questions like what could I have done differently? If I had not been at that place at that exact time? what if I had never met that person? that moment would have never been. Never mattered. That person would have never mattered. Yet one moment. One small moment in a lifetime of moments you will have can alter you, turn your world upside down and make you feel and experience things you never thought possible. I will never forget the moment that happened to me. The moment I met Him.

"phone buzzing" "phone buzzing"

Ahhgh go away, where's the damn phone, 6am!!

" Flash!!, This better be an emergency"

given the chuckle I receive on the other end of the phone I'm thinking not!

" I only had an hour until my alarm went off couldn't it have waited until then?"

'Well morning to you too sunshine, no! it can't wait' I'm standing out the front", so get your ass out of bed and let me in",

" you're not human you know that right!"

I end the call in the middle of flashes laughing and drag myself out of bed an hour earlier than usual!

Flash who's actual name is Luke, is one of my best friends, he was given the nickname flash when he broke the schools track record for fastest time in junior year, now with only 5 months left until we graduate senior year, he still holds that record, I zombie walk my way to the front door, I am not a morning person!, I open the door to a wide eyed flash with an ear to ear grin on he's face.

"good morning Jess, you know a smile wouldn't kill you!

Flash is average height with green eyes and jet-black hair, he strides past me to the kitchen with what looks like?

"is that coffee? "

"Look she speaks it's a miracle!" actually it's a mocha with coconut milk your fave".

"Oh yes please!!" I sip on my warm beverage and sink into my lounge, mmm Georgia's makes the best mochas a lot of places can never seem to get mochaccinos right either too much coffee or too much chocolate, but Georgia's Diner makes it just right!

"seriously it's like 6am!", "Don't you know by now, I am not a morning person", couldn't you have waited 3 more hours and seen me at school!"

flash shakes he's head and lets out a snicker, "no it couldn't wait! 'I was too excited! I tried calling Ruby several times but no answer, and your only 2 streets away so I thought well ill just surprise you with a morning visit.

" lucky me!" we both give each other a teasing smile, Ruby is our other best friend, school had never been a great experience for me, but Flash and Ruby make it somewhat more bearable

"So?! What's the news?"

Flash jumps off the lounge with excitement and starts pacing back and forth, barley holding it together, this must be big news!

" I have been granted a sports scholarship for track & field with Corey Grammar Collage in Greenfield!

"What!!," now I'm excited before I know it my body is now surging with energy, I'm out of my chair with my arms around flash, that's wonderful news! I'm so proud of you!, receiving a sports scholarship is a big deal", they only give 16 scholarships for track a year!, so for flash to receive one is a massive deal, it couldn't go to a more deserving hard working person,

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