Chapter 9 - the new friend

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3 months have passed, and we are now in spring, I can't believe there is less than 2 months left of senior year and it couldn't come soon enough! because then finally I can introduce Alec to my friends and family

I hated lying to my friend's every time they would ask what I was up to or did I want to hang out on the weekend, I'd have to lie because I couldn't tell them I had plans with Alec

but luckily the last couple of months they have been busy visiting their college's, so I haven't had to lie as much, I've even had a few visits to mine!

I kept my deal with Alec he completed he GED and is attending community college, So I kept to my part of the deal and decided that I am going to Emerson, but I'm going to live off campus between Alecs place and mine,

I've been practically living at Alec's anyway, since he lives alone there's no chance of being caught, I even have my own key to the apartment and my own draw for my stuff

Things have been pretty great with us, since Alec did Hes GED and started community college I've seen a change in him, he seems happier and proud of himself, the only downfall is that now he's at the community collage he is only working at the school 3 days a week

so, I don't see he's gorgeous face around as much anymore but probably for the best we were getting to cocky, once we had sex that first time we were like cats in heat! We couldn't get enough of each other, even at school id fine myself sneaking into the bathrooms while he was cleaning for quickies, even a few times in the caretaker's room

it's a good thing I got on the mini pill, I went to the doctors the Monday after our first weekend together, they decided on the mini pill because I had the combined pill before and it made me feel sick, so they decided the mini pill would do fine just as long as I took it around the same time every day, thank goodness for phone alarms!

With the finale months of school fast approaching everyone is focusing on getting ready for collage, and parties and of cause prom!

I let ruby stupidly talk me in to joining the prom committee to help make decisions and to get everything ready, Its Friday and instead of heading home I must attend prom committee!

On my way to the school's auditorium I spot Alec mopping the hallway and the ever-persistent Audrey flirting with him! Over the last few months, I've had to endure watching Audrey's continuous efforts on Alec, it is wearing thin, I cannot wait till we graduate I hope she is the first person to spot us hand in hand around town!

" I've told you Audrey I'm flattered but I have a girlfriend, a serious girlfriend!"

On the outside I am cool and calm but, on the inside, I am jumping up and down yelling take that Audrey!

hearing Alec tell Audrey he's in a serious relationship makes me feel so happy, as I approach them I see Audrey has a pout on her face not looking pleased at all but as soon as she spots me I see her panic, she straightens up trying to pretend like I didn't just bust her flirting with him, but little does she know I do a hell of a lot more then just flirt with him!

" umn thankyou MR Parker I'll be sure to be more careful next time, have a good weekend, 'oh Hey Jess you off to prom committee as well"

I better stop to acknowledge her since she spoke to me

" I was heading there myself when I near slipped into poor Mr Parker here, hey you know, like you did that time!"

Audrey lets out a sarcastic laugh, I've noticed Audrey's way of being a bitch isn't like Bonnies and the others she's sarcastic and sly about it, so it nearly can be mistaken for a joke but you can just hear the bitchy motive behind it!

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