Chapter 5 - Love and Jealousy

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Before I've still had time to fully process it, two weeks have passed since Alec and I have started dating

during school we exchange coy and flirtatious smiles while passing each other in the hall's, one time I even got bold after seeing the other caretaker Mr Garcia in the cafeteria cleaning and went into the caretakers part of the school which is pretty much I guess the basement so Alec and I could hook up,

the lookout at Lilly Ville had become our spot, wed driven up there several times now so we could be alone, just talking and making out, a bonus no one else ever seems to go there, not when we are there anyway.

The only downfall to our relationship so far is that he still hasn't told me much about himself We still haven't made it to the next level yet either, But it's Friday today and he's taking me on a picnic dinner at the lookout tonight, I'm hoping I can persuade him to stay this weekend, he did say he would think about it.

Only two more hours of school and Alec will pick me up

I head to my locker to grab my books for next period, As I am leaving my locker and heading down the hall, I spot Alec who is cleaning the windows, he already has eyes on me

I give him a quick knowing smile trying not to draw attention and he responds with he's dashing smile and turns back to the window

Just as I'm about to pass Alec by I hear what sounds like my name in the distance I turn around to see Clay running down the hall towards me, Crap!, Alec is within ear shot and I haven't told him about clay yet!

"Jess!" Clay is standing in front of me now a little breathless from running down the hall but as usual he doesn't hold eye contact with me for long

"uh can I talk to you for a sec?"

Is he serious! but Against my better judgement I suppose I should hear him out! But he can at least make eye contact with me if he expects me to listen! " if you can actually make eye contact with me Clay, I'll give you 2 minutes!"

Clay shakes he's head and runs a hand through he's hair in frustration " Jesus, Jess why do you got too bust my balls!"

Clay straightens up and starts fidget nervously, he attempts to make eye contact with me but looks uncomfortable doing so, I see regret in he's blue eyes and desperation!?

" I need help Jess, I'm behind in English and have no chance of getting into my choice of collage without those grades, Will you help me?"

" Clay you are aware the school holds a Tudor group on Mondays and Thursdays?"

As soon as the words Tudor group left my mouth, Clays expression turned sour

" I don't want to go to a stupid Tudor group! I want your help Jess, I know you, And I know you have good grades in English"

Clay grabs my hand in he's, my body is shocked from the contact and I flinch a little

I instinctively look over to Alec who is glaring in our direction, clays touching me hasn't gone unnoticed!

" Please Jess you know how important this is to my mom"

Uh I do, the whole time Clay and I where together he's mum would rave on about Clay going to Beck's & Shepherd collage,

I let out a groan of defeat " Fine!"

Clay pumps he's fist in the air, he is instantly happier

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