Chapter 15 - The Secret

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Finn and I are on our second game of pool, the second game of me wiping the floor with him!

" man! I'm obviously out of practice! I use to flog you at pool in high school!"

I let out an amused laugh, him and I have very different memories then " Yeah right! You wish! That was Don!"

Finn shakes he's head " I'm calling break, I need another drink!"

While Finn is topping up our drinks, I pull out my phone to see if I have any messages from Jess, No none!, it's just after 11pm and I haven't received anything from her since that Pink cake, I hope she's kept her word and went home!

I decide to try calling her, but it's just ringing out! I'll just send her a text maybe she's home in bed, I hope so.

I hear a knock at the door and Finn comes running out with a smile on he's face! What's he up to? who could be coming over at 11pm!

I hear Finn open the door along with a familiar voice, I walk around the corner and it is


I walk up greeting him in a one-armed hug and patting him on the back "Don, man I haven't seen you in ages! Look at you looking all sophisticated!"

Don fidgets with he's rather expensive looking suit!

" well I've just started an apprenticeship with a real estate that specializes in luxury real estate, so I have to look the part, but look at you man, your looking good yourself!"

Finn nudges Don with His shoulder " he's met a girl!"

Don's smile widens and he pats me on the shoulder " man that's great! Looks as though she's good for you, Finn was telling me about you attending community college, actually that reminds me, let's go sit!"

Don places he's hand on my shoulder and leads me to the living room where we all sit down to chat and reminisce

" Alec, my boss loved what you did to our website, Listen I have a connection who runs a web developing company, if you do computer science as a major, and receive your degree he would be interested in starting you on as an apprentice, there located in Pearl Bay not too far from you, it's a good company Alec!, they design websites for some high-class companies and people!"

I'm sitting there stunned and very grateful!

" Wow Don! I don't know what to say!"

Don shakes he's head and smiles "Well say you will get your degree in computer science and go see the man!"

We all laugh, Finn nudges my shoulder " Man this is a great opportunity, And something your good at!"

I nod my head " well I'm actually already doing computer science as a major!"

Don looks ecstatic " See it is meant to be!"

"once I get the degree ill contact him then!"

Don and Finn grab a glass and we all cheers, I can't wait to tell Jess.

The next morning, I get ready to meet my Dad! Wanting to get it over and done with as soon as possible! we are meeting at a restaurant not far from here for breakfast then I'm flying home to Jess.

I catch a Cab to the restaurant, the closer I get to my destination the more nervous I feel, I start to break out in a sweat and suddenly don't feel too hot!

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