Chapter 13 - My Birthday

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The rest of that week went by fast! I started to try and split my time between Ruby, Flash and flick!

One day id have lunch with Ruby and Flash then the next day with Flick and even Dean! I tried to talk both parties into sitting together, but Flash and Ruby refused to sit at the same table as Dean and Clay, they appeared to share the same opinion as Alec when it came to Dean

And flick seemed more comfortable sitting with Dean and Clay and even Brock, So I was feeling rather torn!

Alec had accepted my friendship with Flick, but I could tell deep down it still bugged him, He was in a cheerier mood towards me the days I sat with Ruby and flash!

But Today is my 19th birthday! and Alec is taking me out to Lilly Ville for a movie before he leaves for New York tomorrow to visit with he's friend Finn and meet up with he's dad!

When I arrive home, Alec still hadn't finished community college yet, so I decide to have a shower and get ready. After my shower I grab a pair of white lace panties and bra to match, I slip on a short white floral dress, it has a deep V line with ruffles, showing just a small amount of cleavage, Since I have a little extra time I'm going to curl my hair For Something different

I grab my curling iron and decide to do loose bouncy curls so not to go to over the top, I hope Alec likes it! I apply a small amount of foundation, some light lip stick a near skin coloured eyeshadow to keep it simple! and a small amount of mascara and eyeliner, now to add the finishing touches I spray a little of my katy perry perfume and put on a pair of silver tear drop earrings and slip on a pair of white sandals that have a slight heel and grab my purse

as I'm heading out of the bedroom door, I hear the front door open, Alec spots me as soon as he walks in, he is standing there gobsmacked looking bedazzled!

He is scanning my whole body with he's eye's! "Babe! You look gorgeous"

Alec approaches me wrapping he's arms around my waist pulling me into he's body!

" How'd I get so lucky!" Alec grabs one of my curls and is smiling " I love what you have done with your hair, Curls suit you!"

Alec abruptly steps back and is eyeing me once again; he has a finger resting on he's chin with a quizzical brow " but there's something missing!"

Alec grabs a small box from he's pocket and hands it to me " Happy birthday Baby!"

He leans in and kisses me for longer than I think he attended!

I open up the box to see an interlocking heart pendant one heart is silver and the other gold and under where the necklace sits is a written message

'in your eyes I have found my home, in your heart I have found my love, in your soul I have found my mate, the best decision I have made in my life is giving my heart to you, you are the best thing to ever happen to me and I love you, yours forever love from Alec.'

I suddenly feel overwhelmed by emotion I feel a tear trickling down my cheek, I grab Alec and wrap my arms around him bringing my lips to he's smothering him in kisses!

"Babe! I love it, So much! Thank you"

i look into Alec's eyes running my hand down he's face " I love you!"

Alec brings he's face to mine rubbing he's nose across mine giving me an Eskimo kiss, he brings a hand to my face stroking me gently starring deep into my eyes!

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