Chapter 17 - Prom means Drama!

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I walk into prom arm in arm with Flash and Ryan, I can feel from Flashes grasp on my arm he is nervous!

wow it looks great!, when you first walk in there is a giant banner that's say's senior prom 2017, we walk along the long red carpet until we Reach the miraculous backdrop for our first photos of the night, the back drop says around the world in one night, it has a picture of the earth with a plane flying above

the three of us stand in front of it posing for the photo, we continue our walk down the red carpet, observing how beautiful everyone looks, flash nudges me on the arm and I look to him with a smile

" Jess the landmarks look amazing!"

Around the room are our famous landmark models we made out of boxes and paper Mache and anything we could find really,

" they did turn out good didn't they!"

as we walk towards our table which is the French themed table, I spot Alec!

but he had already seen me, he is looking at me all smiles, standing in a black suit and tie looking handsome!

He is helping principle Moore set up the stage, he's eyes are fixed on me, he's smile beaming, I smile a coy smile back, my eye's fixed on him as well!

I try and reframe from starring at him too often, but I can't help myself from continuously scanning the room for him as the night goes on.

Flash and Ryan drag me onto the dance floor to join Ruby and matt despite my best efforts of refusing them!

when it comes to dancing in front of other people I feel shy and awkward, but the more I move my body to the music, the more I look around and see nobody cares, I start to relax and enjoy myself, The song Gangnam style is playing and everyone is doing the dance moves, laughing!

I spot flick and Clay in the crowd and wave them down, as soon as flick sees me, she starts waving frantically full of excitement and comes running straight over smothering me in a classic Flick hug!

" Flick you look gorgeous, I told you that dress was perfect!"

Flick runs her hands down her dress with a knowing expression

" I know it really does, and your dress! Jess it compliments you so well!, you are stunning!, Clay doesn't she look stunning!"

Clay is nodding he's head smiling a bashful smile probably feeling put on the spot by Flick

" you look lovely Jess"

I suddenly feel the air leave my lungs as if someone had just gut punched me, I see Dean approaching us!, he looks dashing and just down right sexy in that suit and he is looking straight at me so intensely I feel as though he's eyes could burn a hole right through me!

he's gaze is almost primal! As if he was a hungry lion and I the tasty gazelle! he's mouth is hanging open as if shocked

" Wow Taylor! you look absolutely breath taking!"

I smile at Dean with a timid and flattered smile

" thank you, you look very handsome Dean!"

Dean looks down eyeing he's suit " Oh I know!"

Dean and Clay exchange looks laughing, Dean timid as always.

the music suddenly changes to a slow dance, wild horses from the rolling stones starts to play from the speakers and all the couple's start slow dancing

Only HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon