"Diane, there is sauce on your chest, on your dress and on your thighs. I wouldn't be surprised if you've somehow managed to get it in your hair, too."

"I like it hot and messy," I looked over at him seductively and licked my lips, but instead of looking like an irresistible goddess, I just managed to smudge even more sauce on my upper lip.

Jimin immediately deadpanned. "Diane, I don't know how to tell you this, but... you have a moustache."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, starting to rummage through my purse for a napkin frantically.

"No, let me," he interrupted, leaning forward and reaching for the glove compartment where he pulled out a hankie. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I flushed, my cheeks as hot as coal. "Look at you, being all nice and chivalrous."

"You were only going to get sauce inside your purse, too," he stated. "And that looks expensive."

"This ol' thing?" I arched a brow. "I got it from Quinn. She gave it to me because she was tired of it." I was embarrassed to admit it, but almost none of my clothes or belongings were expensive or luxurious. It's stupid, I know, but sitting here next to Jimin in his billion-dollar Ferrari just made me feel like I was going to spill my poor all over it.

"I see." He mumbled, apparently he noticed the subject made me feel kind of uncomfortable. He turned his face away and gazed through the window. Something odd crept up in the air and I just had this feeling that he wanted to ask me something, but was stopping himself from doing so.

"So-" he started.

"So-" I started at the same time, too. We both burst into laughter. "You go first."

"No, please, I'm a gentleman."

"No, I insist."

"Okay, so," he drew a deep breath in. "Tell me something about yourself. What are some things you love to do in your free time?"

"Well..." I pondered. "Nothing special, actually. I love watching movies."

"What movies? Girly ones, like 'The Notebook'?"

"Dear God, no!" I pretended to barf. "No, not 'The Notebook'!"

"I have never met a woman who doesn't love 'The Notebook'."

"That's just because you go out with brainless bimbos."

"Fair point. I'm with one right now."


"I'm just joking," he chuckled softly. "I admit the women I go out with are not amongst the most intelligent ones."

"No shit," I huffed. "Makes sense that they love 'The Notebook'."

"What is your problem with that movie, anyway?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Um, yes it does because it seems like you're so deeply bothered by it you're literally gonna explode."

"Okay, yes," I admitted with a sigh. "I am bothered by that movie. Actually, I don't think anything bothers me as much as 'The Notebook'. I hate it so much. I mean, it's so juvenile! I think it portrays true love in the worst way possible. It normalizes turbulence in relationships and it proclaims that love has to be difficult in order to be real. That if it's hard and causes you pain, then it's worth it. I'm not a supporter of that mindset. As a matter of fact, I think it's toxic."

"Wow," Jimin was surprised. "I have to say, this is some real profound take on the matter."

"Why, you don't agree with me?" I questioned.

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