Rin Okumura x SMR

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Y/n was laying in his dorm alone. He had an argument with his boyfriend and he was still mad. He just kicked him out of the dorm and played the argument in his head. He knew he was just beating himself up over it, but he couldn't help it. His thinking was disturbed by Rin paying him a visit.

-I've heard the yelling. - he said. -Are you okay?

-Yeah. - sighed Y/n.

-What happened to your cheek? - asked Rin, seeing the bruise.

-B/n. - answered Y/n. - It was a first and last time he raised his hand on me.

Rin laid don next to Y/n and pulled him close. He knew what was the reason behind B/n's behavior. He was jealous that Rin and Y/n got along so well. But what kept them so close was the fact that Y/n was a half demon as well. His father was a powerful warrior who happened to be on Earth for a while.

-What now? - asked Rin.

-Nothing. - sighed Y/n. - Lately I was thinking about breaking up with him anyway for someone else.

-Really? Who? - Rin perked up at this. He had a crush on Y/n, but at the same time he would be happy if Y/n was with someone that would treat him right.

-Some black-haired future excorcist. -smirked Y/n watching Rin's expression.


-Who the hell cares about Bon? -chuckled Y/n. - It's you.

-Oh. - answered Rin, then grinned after few seconds.

He kissed Y/n's lips quickly. Y/n smirked and pulled him closer and made sure Rin wasn't able to pull away by rolling on top of him. Y/n pulled away when he felt that Rin needed to catch his breath. They were both panting after the steamy kiss with wide smiles on their faces.

-I'm guessing that you don't mind being my boyfriend. - smirked Y/n.

-Not at all. - smiled Rin.

Time skip

Rin and Y/n were inseparable, more than ever. This thing concerned Mephisto a lot, after all Y/n was a demon and had an influence on Rin. Mephisto talked to Y/n directly abouthis worries. He knew that Y/n was a kind of person who appreciated people who came clean to him without any planning behind his back. Y/n turned out to be a good help in keeping Rin in check. This way Y/n set himslef well. His best friend was also his boyfriend, while his teacher and princial were almost his brothers in law. He would bean idiot if he complained about it.

-Thinking about something nice I see. -said Rin as he walked in Y/n's dorm with snacks.

-I was thinking about you to be honest.- chuckled Y/n moving to the side of the bed.

Rin joined Y/n in the bed and handed him a candy bar. They were watching some random show, since Y/n managed to get a TV in his dorm. Rin rested his head on Y/n shoulder. They both were a bit tired after the classes and longed for eachother's touch and closure. They loved when they had those moments like that. It was helping them relax and rest easier.

-I love you. - sighed Y/n nuzzling Rin's neck. He took a deep breath and sighed in content.

-I love you too Y/n. - smiled Rin squeezing his arms and tail around Y/n's arm.

They hugged and shared the kisses in the peace of their afternoon. Rin knew that Y/n was a sucker for cuddles and naps, so he was more than happy to provide it all to him.

-So warm. - muttered Y/n as Rin wrapped the covers around them and pulled him closer against his chest.

-How can you be so adorable? - asked Rin playing with Y/n's hair.

-I just am. - chuckled Y/n and snuggled further into Rin.

Rin and Y/n stayed like that until the night. Their nap was interrupted with Yukio peaking in Y/n's room to make sure that Rin was with him. Y/n just waved his hand motioning for him to go away. Yukio only smiled lightly and went back to the dorm he shared with Rin. As far as he was with Y/n and as far as Yukio knew where Rin was, everything was fine.

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