Viktor Nikiforov x SMR part 10

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The first skater to perform on the Grand Prix Final was Yuri Katsuki. He got last hugs from Viktor and Y/n, before he went on the ice. Viktor and Y/n wrapped their arms around each other, watching as Yuri waved at the crowd and took his spot in the middle of the rink. First was a short program. Yuri managed to do it flawlessly, until the last jump arrived. He lost his balance a bit and touched the ice with his hand to regain it. Then he bowed to the crowd and got off the ice. He went to the kiss and cry, clearly disappointed and a bit angry, though Y/n and Viktor are delighted with his score.

Then it was time for Phichit, who scored his new personal best. Yuri Plisetsky surpassed his personal best and even Viktor's short program world record. Chris was amazing as well. Though he messed up his last jump a bit, he still scored higher than Y/n's brother. In the end Otabek Altin was second after Yuri, and Chris was the third, with Yuri being after him.

Time skip

The night before the skate was quite serious. Yuri could felt that Viktor missed his career and asked if he wanted to stop coaching him after the final.Viktor said he still hesitated, for now the most important thing forhim was the pregnancy. Y/n heard it out, but didn't put pressure on him. He just tried to help his brother rest well.

During the competition JJ managed to deliver a good performance, despite his nerves. Y/n knew it wasn't enough to surpass the Russian Tiger Yuri. Phichit wasn't bad either. Then his brother's turn came. Yuri increased the difficulty of the jumps and surpassed Viktor's world record. Viktor smiled and told Y/n he wanted to get back toproceed with his career after having the baby, to which Y/n only replied with a smile. They already talked about this the night before. Their child will travel with them on the performances whenever it would be possible.

In the end of the day Yuri Plisetsky won the Grand Prix Final, with Yuri Katsuki was the second. It was finally time to go home after the little celebration they had together. It was a bit disappointing that Y/n's brother didn't win, but at the same time it was his biggest accomplishment so far in his career. Then Yuri asked Viktor again to be his coach until the day he retires, and he agreed on that. Y/n only smiled and took a seat with them on the plane. He was relieved it was finally over. He could rest a bit and focus on taking care of pregnant Viktor and the wedding.

Time skip

Once they got out of the plane they got in the cab to get back home. They were welcomed by their family hugging them and congratulating Yuri his success. Hiroko made a pork cutlet bowl as a reward for him for hard work. Viktor and Y/n also announced that the family was getting bigger and that they planned on getting married. After dinner Y/n went to the hot springs.

-Damn, how I missed this. – he sighed in bliss. The hot water helped him relax, making it easier to think about the future. His peaceful state was disturbed by Viktor joining him in the water.

-May I join? – he asked as he sat down next to him.

-Well, I won't kick you out. – chuckled Y/n, pulling him closer. – How do you feel?

-Not bad. – smiled Viktor. – I was right that I craved for the pork cutlet bowl. –Y/n kissed his temple. – You know babe, I was doing some thinking lately. – he said. – What would you say if we lived in Russia?

-Interesting proposition. – Y/n looked up thinking about it. – If we took Yuri with us so you could train him it would be fine to be honest. I also don't know the language, so you'd have to hire a sexy teacher forme. – he chuckled when Viktor slapped his arm playfully.

-I'll teach you. –Viktor smiled and kissed Y/n's cheek. – So what would you say?

-I'd agree. – hesaid. – Our kid will be bilingual anyway.

-I promise we will travel to Japan whenever you'd like. – said Viktor and pecked Y/n's lips.

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