Alucard x SMR

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Sorry for the lack of the update yesterday, I was busy with painting the fence.

Y/n sat up in the bed. He was just spending the night with his lover Alucard. Usually after the sex session like this he would sleep like a baby, but after his last mission he had constant nightmares. He played with Alucard's hair softly trying to calm himself enough to sleep, but that didn't happen. It was almost midnight and Y/n was still awake.

-Still not sleeping? - Y/n looked down and noticed Alucard woke up.

-Yeah, I'm sorry. - sighed Y/n rubbing his eyes.

-Don't apologize. -answered Alucard and sat up as well. - It's not your fault. I told Integra to not to send you there.

-It's fine, anything could trigger the memories from my past to be honest. - Y/n leaned against Alucard's shoulder. - Sooner or later I would be in that situation. I'm glad it didn't happen when I was among humans.

Alucard knew Y/n's past very well. He told him about it when they met. Alucard wanted to know everything about his mate from the second he saw him for the first time. There was no way Integra could refuse Alucard to be with Y/n, he wound't let that happen.

The fact that the traumatic events from Y/n's past came back to haunt him again was hurting not only Y/n himself, but Alucard as well. The mission in the area Y/n was growing up in brought them back. Alucard suspected that might happen and tried to talk Integra out of sending Y/n there. But she only said that he knew the history of that place, so he would have the best results. And indeed, the mission was a success, but Y/n yet again became a broken man he once were.

-Can I make it better somehow? - asked Alucard – You need to get at least a bit of rest.

-Even seven rounds of sex didn't put me to sleep. - chuckled Y/n. - Can it be something better than that?

-Let's have a walk then. -said Alucard. - I won't be sleeping now anyway, so at least we can take your mind off of the problems.

-Maybe. - sighed Y/n. -Let's go.

Y/n and Alucard got dressed and went out. They walked side by side not caring for the late hour, or Integra's blabberig whenever they did this. It was one of their ways of spending time together and taking care of their bond.

-Through all my life as a vampire I was doing all I can to not to forget how it is to be human.- said Y/n with a sad smile on his face. - I wanted to remember the pain, the loss and the things that were done to me to understand humans. But over the centuries humanity have changed. I don't understand their pursuit for happiness. They don't even know what are they looking for in the first place.

-This is something you can't change. - sighed Alucard. - Sometimes it's good to make a beast out of yourself and get rid of the pain of being a man.

-But once I will go that road, there will be no turning back. - sighed Y/n.

-I don't regret choosing it. - smirked Alucard.

-But you aren't a complete beast. You are brutal when it comes to killing, that's something I agree with, but you have enough humanity to love me. - Y/n looked in Alucard's eyes.

-You're my exception. -chuckled Alucard.- Come on, let's get back home. We are getting way to cheesy now.

-Oh come on, as if the walk in the moonlight wasn't cheesy enough. - Y/n chuckled as well.

They headed back to their bedroom. Alucard pulled Y/n close against his chest and squeezed his arms around him to let him feel that he's not alone. He hoped that soon he would make Y/n's nightmares and bad memories fade away. He knew though that Y/n needed time. Traumas are not something that can be healed with violence and some bullets. Y/n nuzzled Alucard's neck and closed his eyes hoping for the best. Soon the sleep consumed him and for the first time in a while he slept until morning without any trouble.

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