Chapter 9- Help Me

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When Finnick comes back from the cafeteria, he sits beside me on the bed. I have buried my hands in my face, and I have been crying for hours it seems like.

"Baby," he asks placing his hand on my back, "are you alright?"

"No, I'm just sitting here crying because I feel like it!"

"Okay, jeez... What's the matter?"

"My brother, the only person in my family who is still alive, has betrayed me! He has hurt me my entire life, and since I finally didn't do what he wanted me to do, he hates me!"

"Well, then you shouldn't be upset. You've done nothing wrong. What did he say?"

"He flipped out after I told him that we were dating, and-"

"Wait," he cuts me off, "I thought you were telling me that you weren't gonna tell him right yet."

"He got it out of me somehow. He knows how to make someone look really stupid or undesirable. Anyway, he was telling me that he doesn't know what to do with me because I have a boyfriend now, and it may seem that he actually cares, but he doesn't. He tries his best to make sure he makes your life miserable. No matter how close you are to him. He also was complaining about how I murdered my younger brother."

"So that's why you're in here. I didn't know what you-"

I glare at him.

"Sorry. Jordyn, you're the most kind person I know, and I don't know why he would threaten you like that. In sure the thing with your younger brother was just am accident, right?"

I nod.

"Well then, don't let his words hurt you because you know they're not true. Now, how about a little smack right here."

He pokes his cheek closest to me. I kiss his lips instead, but I don't pull away after a little bit. I stay there, pull back when I need some air, then go back to kissing him. After this little fight with Logan, I've decided to love as hard as I can without getting too serious. Finnick seems to like it because he never goes for air. Then, we hear footsteps.

I jump off of him, and see Sheriff Grimes has come to take our dirty clothes to the laundry room. I go to the corner and get the pair of clothes I took off this morning and put them in his hand. Finnick gets the sheets off of the bed an balls them up, then gives them to Grimes, and he disappears.

"Well, at least I know that you like me a little more now," says Finnick.

"Nope," I reply with a smirk in my face, "I don't like you. I don't like you at all. I love you!"

"I love you, too!"

I run towards him and jump into his arms. He catches me, and I wrap my legs around him ad he spins me around and around. After we're done spinning, I have to get down because my head is spinning and it feels like I'm drunk.

I look around the room trying to find something to do, and something catches me eye in the corner. A tennis ball! I run over to it and pick t up, and Finnick stares at it like it's the last piece of food on Earth and he's starving. But I don't blame him, it's really boring here.

He sits at one spot and I sit a few feet away from him. He throws it at the wall and it bounces in my direction. I throw it back, he catches it... we do this, for what it feel like, hours until I can't stand hunger anymore.

"Hey Finnick," I say as I catch the ball and hold my stomach, "I'm starving. What about you?"

"Yeah, I'm starving!" He gets up and scoops me up as he runs past me.

Life Hurts but HealsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon