Chapter 32- Moving On (Pt. 2)

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Carl's POV

I get off the floor and to walk out to chase Jordyn, but she has already ran in the woods, and I'll never catch her in there. (That's what he thinks.) I turn around and see Chandler furiously running his fingers through his hair, and Daryl and Foxface are asking me questions that I'm paying no attention to, as usual.

"Listen to me, boy!" Daryl shouts putting his hands on my shoulders and making me face him.


He has already turned away, looking at the other wall.

"Y'know, if there wasn't a bruise on your jaw already, I would punch you so hard right now. You don't treat girls like that!"

"Oh. So you're not supposed to wonder and worry what goes on in their lives?! You're supposed to love them when they just used you for a little revenge?! You are just supposed to let them walk all over you, and in my opinion, I don't think you would need a relationship if that's how it's going to be because if she actually loved me, she wouldn't have used and would have let me be there for her! But she had to deal with things on her own, and I get yelled at because I do all of that stuff?! And Daryl, I wouldn't be talking about how to treat a lady because remember how you questioned Mary so bad that she went unconscious or 'killing' yourself just so Nicole would love you again?! In my opinion, I think you need to be taking lessons from me!"

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