Chapter 36- Why Did You Leave

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Guys, just a little heads up that this chapter has some feelings in it so it might be a little girly for any guys that are reading this (if you are), but imagine you in their shoes. Wouldn't you act (somewhat) the same way? I'm not judging I swear, but just saying And there's a little something else extra in this chapter...


* * *

Carl's POV

The cold barrel feels nice. It calms me, and it reminds me that all of my problems can go away. Just like that... Everything can stop right here, right now, but... it's not going to. This doesn't help Jordyn; it makes the whole situation worse, and I don't want that to happen. She is my everything even though I don't deserve her, and I regret taking her for granted.

I rest my forehead on my bent knees with my hands wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Help..." I say to myself.

"Carl..." says Jordyn.

Wait... Jordyn?

I keep hiding because I know it's just my imagination. She's long gone from here taking care of her baby.

Then I hear something hit the tree behind me. I look up and see Jordyn's knife a foot or two away from my shoulder. (She pulled an Arturo, Macy...)

"Carl!" I see her smile. Her beautiful smile.

I run next to the house and look at her with a smile. I can't believe how much I've missed her.

She is now sitting on the edge of window and sways her feet.

"Hey," she says with a smile.

"Hey..." I reply steadily.

She is wearing a Chevy hat that I've never seen her wear before; actually, I think this is the first time I've seen her in a hat.

She questions, "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

She smirks and pushes herself off the window edge. She twists one time and lands in my arms perfectly, jerking me a little. She fits perfectly in my arms. It's been forever since she sat in my arms, and it feels wonderful.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I have known you were just trying to help me, and I guess I'm the one who sees everything as a threat-"

She grabs my collar and our lips collide. She holds onto my the back of my head to deepen the kiss, and I have no idea what to think.

Just enjoy the moment...

How am I supposed to do that? I manipulated her, and I don't deserve her.

I pull away.

She stands up. "Sorry... Too soon?" she pauses. "What am I kidding?! You almost killed yourself?! I'm trying to play it cool, but I can't! I'm so sorry for using you, and everything just makes me cry now 'cause it makes me think of you!"

She puts her head to my chest. She stays there with her eyes closed, and I wrap my arms around her. After she's done, she looks up to meet my eyes (Shut up, Macy...).

"Y'know what I just figured out?"

I shake my head.

"We're meant for each other," she says.

I smile. "And how do you know that?"

"Our heartbeats match. They're in sync 'cause God knew we would he perfect for each other, and now... I know that, and it's never going to change."

I take a second to breathe. "You're right... It's not..."

We both smile. This moment is not how I thought it would happen, but I wouldn't trade it for anything, nor would I trade her.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment..." I say.

She asks chuckling, "Then why did you break it?"

"Nervous, I guess."

She rolls her eyes and kisses the corner of my lips, which leaves a smile behind.

"Let's go find 'em," she says.

"Find who?"
out her hand. "Give me the pistol."

I roll my eyes and hand her the gun. She takes out the ammunition and puts it in her pocket, still holding onto the handgun.

"Let's go find them."


"Daryl and Nicole," she pauses and holds he unloads it and holds the gun, keeping the ammunition in the pocket.

"I love you, but I don't trust you with this thing."

"I won't do it again; I promise." I hold my hands in defense.

"Just being safe."

She sounds like my dad before he went crazy.

"I need to get back to the house," I state.


* * *

After we get back home, I walk in my room to see possibly Judith sleeping in my old crib. She looks nothing like Mom or Dad... (Possibly Shane guys... (It's a Walking Dead thang for the people who don't kno))

I brush her tiny hair off her forehead to see her sleeping eyes. Now that I look at her for a little bit... she's starting to look like Mom in facial appearance... Could this possibly actually be my “dead” sister?

I hear footsteps creak behind me. I turn around to see Jordyn stepping cautiously towards me.

"Trying not to make the floor creak is kind of hard." She smiles.

I laugh a little and see Judith is waking up. She rubs her eyes with her tiny fists and sits up hastily.

"Morning, baby," Jordyn says softly.

Judith stares at her for a second, then grins weakly due to sleepiness. She picks her up and holds her out so she won't touch her stomach.

"Good morning."

She giggles a little, then Jordyn does so too.
"She's adorable."

I smile. All she can do is make me smile.

Then we hear loud footsteps come up the steps.

"Nicole's water broke!"

And we rush downstairs.

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