Chapter 29- Because of You

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My mouth is touching the floor. I can't believe this. Now that it's done, the thought seems really stupid. I can't believe I didn't think of telling Carl about the plan, but he was awake at the time; he had to have at least an idea where I was going with this. But. . . maybe not. . . I can't believe I did something so stupid.

I get down from the counter. My legs feel like they might give out any moment. I did this just to get back at my dad, and now that is has actually happened, I see how stupid it was. I have turned into my father. . .

I walk and see everyone is awake. I can't believe everyone woke up that fast.

Daryl questions, "You finally decided to join us?"

I just stare at my feet.

"Is there something wrong?" He gets up out if his chair.

Maybe I should tell them. . . Better now with everyone in one place. . .

I take a deep breath, "No. I'm fine, still a little sleepy is all."

They nod and return to their cereal and conversations.

I should've told them, but now they're gonna be even more angry with me if I wait until I get a stomach, and this is eating me up inside.

I need to talk to someone.

I grab Foxface's wrist and pull her upstairs. I would ask Nicole, but she never had the chance to explain something to me.

I lead her up to Carl and my bedroom and lock the door behind us. I can't help bit feel like I'm being hunted now.

"What's wrong?" she's asks.

"You were telling me something about Finnick yesterday until Carl came in. What was it?"

She gulps with nervousness, and I see fear in her eyes.

"Tell me Foxface."

"Finnick, he-he called Daryl last night. He said he better be keeping a close eye on you because he's coming for everyone you love. Including us. . ."

"He has already tried with Carl and I and it hasn't worked."

"Yeah, but he was in prison for a little longer than any of us were, and he is stronger, faster, and more capable. He might be able to do something with a little help."

"Already tried that too."

"Still. He has had time to come up with a plan. . ."

"Why are you worrying? He hasn't done anything to you or anyone you love! His family killed my mother, and I'm not scared, and you shouldn't be either! If I die, then that's how God wanted me know to die! I don't care what it takes, but I'm going to keep you guys safe even if I have to die again! I wasn't able to save my brother, but I'm going to at least try to save you guys! And if you don't like that, just do us all a favor and get out of my way! This is going to happen sooner or later, so why not sooner?!"

"Jordyn, calm down. And I don't mean to anger you anymore than I already have, but he actually did hurt me. He treated me like he did you when I first was arrested. I was his cellmate, we started going out, and when Rick moved my cell, he dumped me, and he was my first boyfriend because my father was so strict about me and guys, and that's how I got arrested. A game of truth-or-dare did everything that changed my life. But I don't sit here and play pitiful just because my ex killed my mom. I would try my best to move on and just not think about it. . ."

"Forget. . . Forget?! Don't you think I've tried that already?! I can't forget! This is my mother that I'm talking about!"

"I know. I understand, but I'm just trying to help."

"Well, your helping isn't really helpful, so just go away!"

I get up and slam the door behind me. Carl meets me at the middle of the stairs.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine," I reply angrily and sarcastically.

"What is it?"


"Jordyn," he puts my hands on his, "I'm tired of not knowing anything about what's going on in your life. I'm here to help; just please tell me."

"Do u really wanna know?"

"Yes, please."

That's when I drop the weight.

"I'm pregnant with," I poke his chest, "your baby."

And walk off with him more confused and frightened as ever.

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