Chapter 30- Protection

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"What?!" Carl shouts from the stairs.

I turn around angrily. "Do you have water in your ears or something? I'm pregnant with your kid!"

"How did this happen?! When did this happen?"

"Last night." I roll my eyes.

"How can you know if it only happened last night?" He turns and faces me.

"I set it up! I wanted to get back at my father because he didn't tell me I had a new baby brother or sister!"

"They just found out last night, Jordyn! They didn't even have time to tell you!"

"How do you know that?!"

"Because he called Daryl later after Finnick did!"

I stare at him. "How do you know about Finnick?"

"There's one secret you tried to keep from me. . ." he throws his hands up in the air. "I can't believe I still put up with you! You never tell me anything, and I have no idea why! Then you use me for your childish games against your own father who took the beating and suffering to keep you alive! But 'little miss Jordyn' had to make sure she saw it as a threat, just like anything else!"

"I don't see everything as a threat; I see the potential of everything being a threat. And Carl," my voice becomes a little more normal-tone, "I only kept away these things because I knew you were going to want to get involved, and if you get involved, you get hurt. I don't want that to happen to you."

"Well, too late for sorry! I'm hurt as you might say! You know what? We're through! Don't talk to me or anything unless it's about my kid. Got it?"

"No. You either deal with me and the baby, or neither!"

"Fine, then I choose neither."

He starts walking pass me on the stairs. Out of boiling anger, I punch his jaw, and he falls over the three-feet railing. (A/N They are near the bottom of the stairs)

Nicole, Daryl, and Foxface rush to him with an ice pack.

"Why did you do that?!" Foxface shouted.

Replied Nicole, "I thought it was pretty funny if I do say so myself."

I grinned at Nicole's joke and said, "I'm going for a walk."

"Yeah, get out of here!" Chandler shouted.

I don't say a word and walk out the door.

"Wait!" Nicole shouts.

I don't stop or hesitate; I just keep running down the road with tears running down my face. I run into the woods with many limbs and briers scraping my face, and the salt from my tears is not helping the wounds. I trip over a log fall face-first.

I hear a laughing from behind me.

"Man, you're such a clutse. Hahaha."


"Instead of laughing, help me up."

She finishes laughing and helps me up, but I fall right back down. My ankle feels like it's bent, and I can't even stand on it.

"That bad, huh?"

"Wait, I fell on my face which means the baby hit the ground. Do you think it's okay?"

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