Chapter 31- Moving On (Pt. 1)

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I wake up tied to the wall in the shape of an 'X'. It's really uncomfortabl, and I can't move at all.

Then, I hear footsteps, and a light flickers on above my head. A short boy with glorious hair approaches me. From all the darkness in the room, I can barely make out a face; now that I think about it, I really can't. The shadow of his hair barely above his eyes shields his eyes. Great.

He approaches me and his face is a few a inches away from mine.

"Bout time he caught you." His breath smells like liquor and cigarette smoke.

He backs up and lights a cigarette.

"How come he picked me for the fun?" I ask.

"I've just met you and I already can't stand you. You don't get how the world works, do you? He was telling the truth when he told you he thought you were special, but he used you because he knew you would be good to make money off of. He could discover yoursexret and become filthy rich.  He only used you for money, but I'm sure you've never heard the word money before since you've never really had any."

He takes the cigarette out of his mouth. I see his breathe has turned into smoke.

"I've had some, but I haven't made it interrogating innocent girls and killing her family!"

"You actually think you're innocent. Wow. You are more ignorant than I thought."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Your brother. You killed him; isn't that why you went to prison. I know I'm not the brightest star in the sky, but I'm bright enough to know that you're not innocent, and you know this too."

He is right. I do know.

"What is your name?"

"Cain. Cain KuyKendall."

I remember that name from somewhere. KuyKendall.

"That name sound familiar?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You killed him. Samuel. Samuel KuyKendall. There's another reason you're not innocent."

"I did it in self defense. You know you would've done the same."

"Maybe I would have. . . maybe I wouldn't have. But you still took a life, two lives actually, that I know of, and you can't change that."

That has now made me furious. I struggle and wiggle to try to get myself out of these chains.

"Let my friends and me go, at least let them! They have done nothing! They don't deserve this! Just please let them go!"

"I'm not the one to talk to about that," he gets closer like before, "Finnick is."

I finally wiggle my left ankle free and kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He stumbles back.

"The stars might have been shining, but I think the sun is doing a much better job, isn't it?" (Idk. I just popped up in my head)

He brings a knife from his back pocket and brings it to my neck.

"I'm through messing around! Tell me how you get to Heaven, or I'll kill you!"

"Go ahead. I don't care if you do, and I don't know how I see Heaven. I just do!"

"Oh, so your friends' lives don't matter either?"

My heart stops.

"Don't you lay a finger on them!"

"Then tell me how!"

"I don't know! My brother died, and he somehow visits me, but I don't know how! I'm telling the truth, I sware!"

He tilts his head a little.

"She's not budging."

Then I hear more footsteps.

"Well, well, well. . . If you aren't gonna tell us," he holds up a body with a cloth tied around the mouth, "maybe he will."


"No! Leave him alone!" Tears start running down my face. "Put him down! Leave him alone!"

Carl is unconscious.

"Tell us then. How do you get to Heaven without dying?"

"I don't know! It just happens!"

"Ok, then."

He cuts Carl's arm.


"Then tell us."

"I can't!"

"Do you even have an idea of why you see these things?"

"I love my brother, and he's dead. He asked God if he could see me in my dreams, and he can! That's all I know, I sware!"

"Ok, that's all we need to know," he throws the knife back to Cain. "Finish her."

He catches the knife, nods, then puts the knife back to my neck like before. Then gunshots go off. Cain drops dead, but the knife lays on my chest. I can't see Finnick because of the darkness.

A familiar voice asks, "Are you alright?"


"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Get me down!"

He nods and obeys. I rub my wrists, and I see they bled a little, but it'll be fine. My ankles probably look worse.

I see Finnick isn't in here, but Carl is. I stop instantly.

"Get him. I'm too weak to pick him up."

He does so and walks me to the car and sets Carl in the backseat. He gets in the driver's seat and puts the keys in the ignition. I put my hand on the gear just before he does.

"What?" he asks.

"I need to know if my friends are alright."

"They are. I'm gonna drop you off at my place, then I'm coming back to help my friend get all of your friends out."

"No. I'll help get them out."

I get out of the car and start to walk towards the building.

"Jordyn, wait."

I ignore him.

"Jordyn, stop!"

He catches up to me and grabs my shoulders and twists them to where I'm facing him directly.


"I can't let you go in there in your condition. Please just wait in the car at least."


"What will it take for you to stay in the car?"

I think for a moment, and a thought slips my mind, but I don't know if it's just a joke that popped up or what. . . But my mind made the words come out of my mouth.

"You. Will you be mine?"

He stops and takes everything in. I may mean this and I may not. I really don't know, but I know I love Carl, and when he gains consciousness, maybe he will realize he loves me again.


Then, right then and there, I got a kiss from Dr. Peeta Mellark.

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