Chapter 17- Daryl's Lost It Literally

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Daryl searches through his car for everything that was valuable. His arrows that went in his emergency crossbow are gone. So is his phone and his charger. For real, the charger?

"I want to know how did this now!" he says like it's our fault.

"Are you saying that we did it?" Foxface asks.

"Well, you guys aren't helping with my stuff being stole!"

"Baby," Nicole says calmly, "calm down. We'll find your stuff and the guys who took it."

"Oh I'm gonna find a way, trust me."

He smirks, and it puts a smile on Nicole's face.

"Do you think Finnick took it?" Nicole asks.

"If it is, I'm gonna beat him black and blue!"

"That's why I love you," says Nicole while she snuggles into Daryl's shoulder.

"Well, all of this thinking is making me hungry!" complains Foxface.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna eat anything. Remember, my car's keys are stolen."

"Wait," I reply with happiness, "what about Carl's truck?"

"Yeah, but it's back at the prison."

"So, we can walk. It's only like five miles away."

"But I don't want to walk that far," whines Foxface.

"Well, you'll have to unless you want to stay here with Carl. I want to, but I'm starving. But I'm not getting the truck. It's a few miles down the road."

"Okay, I'm staying with Carl then, but bring me back something to eat."

"Yeah," replies Nicole while she holds Daryl's hand, "that's might be a better idea."

Nah duh...

"Okay, I'll go because I have nothing else better to do," I volunteer.

I get Carl's phone out of Daryl's pocket and put it in my pocket and walk out to the road.

"Bye guys!" I shout when I reach the road, and they wave but don't look at me. They're weird.


I walk in the McDonald's door, order they're food, and walk out. But as I walk down the road, a familiar face catches my eye. Marvel... where has he been all of this time? He is at this old, abandoned car-show place that was really popular during 1960s.

I walk over to him, and he's talking to this one hobo-looking guy.

"Yeah, I'll take 2, just in case one breaks," says Marvel.

The hobo-looking guy gives him something, but I can't see because his back is towards me.

I walk over to him and tap on his shoulder and give him a stare that says "explain now."

"H-hey, Jordyn..." says Marvel.

"Where were you wen Finnick kidnapped Carl and me?" I ask angrily.

"Um yeah, about that, I was released from prison two days before that happened. I didn't know anything happened until I saw the story on the news."

"What about Foxface, huh? I thought you two were a couple. How come you just left her? That's messed up, and that's coming from a girl that is having serious emotional pain right now." (A/N Macy, you know what I'm talking about... 😭)

"Wait, how did you know about that? We were trying to keep that a secret to stay out of trouble while we were in prison."

"Oh please, anyone could tell you two were dating by the way you look at each other. It's beautiful, and that look can't be found anywhere else that I know, and that can't just be ignored."

"Yeah, I really do miss her, and I can't keep buying and selling stuff to hobos."

That's when he turns around and finds that the hobo is staring at him for real.

"Sorry, Haymitch," apologizes Marvel, "but can you blame me?"

"Nah," he replies, "it's cool. I gotta go. See ya."

He hops out of the window and walks through a dark alley. It's still daylight is what I don't get.

"Well, I'm going back to her if you want to see her," I say interrupting the silence.

"I-I don't think she wants to see me. I ran away from her when she needed me most. What kind of bae am I?"

"If she truly loves you, she'll forgive you," I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot."

"And you wouldn't know we're to find Finnick would you?"

"Yeah, but he hasn't been doing anything mischievous. He has just been hanging out at Thresh's with Cato. They haven't been out since you kicked him in the chest, and his chest hurts severely now."

Now you know how it feels...

I smile, "Okay, good... C'mon, let's go get your girl."


We get back to the hospital and give everyone their food. I tried my best to keep the bags closed so the food will warm.

I ask, "Has Carl woke up yet?"

"Nope," replies Daryl, "he's still asleep."

"Okay... um well then, how about we eat."

When I about finish eating, the annoying nurse comes and says, "Jordyn Samuels."

I get up and walk with her. She leads me to the X-RAY DISPLAY room. She pulls up some x-rays of Carl's chest.

"Okay, there are many bruises on his these bones here," she points her pen to the bones around his heart ad lungs, "and with them being bruised, it could cause many problems with his breathing. Those bones will start to squeeze the lungs tighter and tighter together until they literally smother the heart and the heart will stop working. We have a medicine that can help his bones expand, but he's gonna feel a big cramp in his chest an hour after he takes it, but the problem is that we won't have another shipment of if until three days from now."

"So, how long will it be until his heart will be smothered for good?"

"Three days."

That's when my jaw drops to the floor and my head begins to feel light.

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