Chapter 58

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*Friday night at the Bayou.

"Well dad?" Hope questioned annoyed. How many hours was he here? And for what? Why is he even talking to her?

"The truth?" Niklaus questioned with a hint of sarcasm. He glanced over at Helena who was headed in another direction. "Where do you think you're going?"

"If you two wanna stay out here in this fucking hot weather in the middle of the night then fine by me! But I'm out." Helena yelled as she walked away.

"Come along Hope." Niklaus groaned as he instructed Hope to walk in front of him.

"Fine but when we get there you will talk." Hope sternly replied as she passed him and followed Helena to a near by cabin.

"As you can see...there is nothing else I am able to do other than walk and talk. I have all the time in the world Hope." Niklaus sarcastically responded back as he trailed behind.

Moving on....

"Ah! Now this feels better. Feel free to duke it out now." Helena chirped as she quickly strolled to the kitchen. Niklaus opted for the wooden stool and Hope sat on one of the rusty old couches facing him.

"Okay what were you doing?" Hope questioned as she observed him.

"I was simply gathering information from her. What? Are you now electing yourself as my babysitter? Am I prohibited from conversing with certain people?" Niklaus joked.

"This isn't funny dad. What information?" Hope crossed her arms.

"It pertains to werewolves. I was brushing up on my knowledge." Niklaus shrugged.

"Why? Is it because of you? Or me?" Hope got to the point.

"A bit of both." Niklaus replied.

"Okay...first why me?" Hope quirked her brow. I thought he bought the story.

"I believe we should start with me first love. Yours...will require a bit more explanation." Niklaus lied as he scratched his arm. He always did hate that nervous tic. It gave him away.

"Fine. Go ahead." Hope dryly stated. She just wanted to get this over with so they could both go home exactly where they belonged.

"I came to ask her about...about my knotting." Niklaus lowered his voice so only Hope could hear. He didn't know why he did that considering Helena could hear him either way. He thought he saw Helena grinning in the corner of his eye.

"Why?" Hope questioned with a hint of curiosity.

"Because I wanted to rule out what I could. And only one seems to fit the equation or make sense." Niklaus nervously responded.

"Oh..kay. And which one would that be?" Hope probed, anxiety started to fill her lungs. She hoped it wasn't what she was thinking.

"That my wolf...deep down." Niklaus trailed off as he looked up and caught Helena grinning, but she quickly turned her back. Great. I am so pleased you find this amusing. "That deep down...I believe it thinks you might be...well...carrying a child." He tried to sugarcoat it as much as possible.

Hope was speechless. She didn't know how to respond so she took a moment of silence. She hadn't faced that possibility before and kept that theory in the back of her head. But now that her own father was confirming what she tried so hard not to believe, it was too much. This was too much. A child? Was she going to be a teenage mother like the girls in her school? She felt so ashamed. How could she be so stupid and careless. She had a privilege. She had magic. And yet somewhere between their first sexual experience and their recent one, she forgot to magic her problem away. It was even worse knowing the child she was pregnant came from her own father. This was a new level of insanity. Some lines were not meant to be crossed and this was one of them. What were they going to do? Abort it? It is even here yet? How far along is she? When did they even start, four months ago? Five months ago? No doubt she was probably carrying it already.

"Hope..." Niklaus questioned worriedly. She looked like a deer in headlights. He glanced over at Helena who was sipping tea and signaled for her to come.

As Helena approached them, she sat on the rusty armchair opposing Hope's. "'s alot. I know. Been there before." She trailed off, catching Niklau's's attention, but she remained focus on Hope. "And you're probably asking yourself a million of questions....but don't let this go over your head. Like I said...I been there before. I'll guide ya through this." Helena softly spoke as she reached over and patted Hope's shoulder.

"But because um...we both came to the same conclusion...there's already a plan mapped out for ya so don't stress yourself with all this." Helena sighed.

"Wait what!? Really? So you both made a decision without me? Really dad? Especially with her of all people? Last time I checked this was my body!" Hope yelled as she stood up.

"I know love. I understand that. But I am only doing what is best for you. You must understand that." Niklaus spoke sympathetically. Is this history repeating it's self? The irony of it all. Here he was ready to abort his daughter's child which was also his child and yet he had been riled up at the thought of Helena aborting their child and also due to her making the decision without him. The worst part is....he finally understood, understood of all it. This was a cruel twist of fate. Karma really is a bitch in heat. As if I truly believe that tall tale! That is not what happened. That is not true. That has nothing to do with this. He convinced himself, continuing to be in denial.

"Hope...I know you're angry. I know how you feel. But ya gotta trust him. He's doing what's in your best interests. He knew you'd panic like this. But understand Hope...this is the best decision." Helena reassured. What she really meant was in her own best interests. Karma really does have a funny way of rearing it's ugly head around.

"I-I..I can't. This is too much! Way too much! I need time to think. I'm sorry." Hope panicked as she got up and started running off.

"That went well." Helena sarcastically replied. "Give her some time. She's cool off. She knows we're right and she knows ya mean well. Don't provoke her." She stated as she watched some ants strolling by on the ground.

"What if...what if she comes back and she decides to keep this child?" Niklaus glanced at her. "Did you keep the child..." He uttered as he continued, "our child." Niklaus corrected.

"That's also a possibility...but we'll think about how to proceed with her this time if she does come to that conclusion." Helena vocalized with a nod. "Doesn't matter. Ya don't believe me right? I rather not waste my breath on a meaningless question." She shrugged as she started to walk back to the kitchen to grab herself another cup of chamomile tea. "Don't make this more awkward than it already is." Helena warned.

"Fine. Fair enough." Niklaus agreed. This wasn't the time to be dwelling in the past anyway.

They sat there patiently waiting for her return. Niklaus on the stool and Helena on the armchair. Niklaus hoped she would make the right decision when she returned. However, Helena desired for Hope to keep the child and surprise them both, easier for her.

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