Chapter 10

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Post created 6/11/2019 by WolfGirl: I'm

Hey girls so I need help with something again. This is like my second "serious" post. I got to second base! I'm really happy about that. Even if it did go sour..hey who cares, right? I made it! Now I can go to third base. Okay...I'm getting carried away again. What I need help with is...this random girl came to my house and I guess she had a deal with my dad. My dad kept rejecting her. And then she said some really weird stuff like if he wants to fuck his mom or something, what the heck? And his mom finding out what he's doing...whatever that means and then she brought me into it saying something about how his mom is going to tell me how good of a lay he is. I don't even know what means! I could just Google search but you girls always know.

- Hope


Post reply from Daddy'sLittleGirl: Confused...

AH! I'm so proud. You make me want try and stop being a chicken. The sour part is why I avoid it but you got this far. Sounds like it's worth it! Hmm. That sounds....CONFUSING. I can't help. I'm sorry. I'm trying to wrap my head around this but like...I don't have anything.

- Clarissa


Post reply from KarismaK: Whew girl!

Uh-uh. We still gotta talk about the details. It was fun yesterday! I guess he did keep the mask on long enough! "A good lay" means when you're really good in bed. Which is why I'm confused. She probably said that to make him mad. Especially since she added you into it. It's like the "yo momma" jokes.

- Khoudia


Post reply from MillenniumGirl: What!

^ I just realized that means you were there! Invite me next time girls! Haha. I need some "experience". Anyways I am so confused but I agree with what Khoudia said. Makes sense if you compare.

- Violet


Post reply from FierceLioness: Damn girl..

Again what ^ said. Girl...I wanna come with y'all too! Just to hang out you know. Damn. I'm proud of you. Second base already? Bet third base is sometime next week!

- Jess


Post reply from ICandy: That's my girl!

I was right before when I said you know what to do! Shoot. Third base ain't even gonna be next week. More like tomorrow! About that whole dilemma. Hey maybe he did fuck with his momma. Maybe she got some dirty on him. We don't know. Do you? That's my question for you.

- Ariel


Post reply from SilentRainDrop: Hmm...

You really are going places! ^^^^ So how hot was he in person from 1-10? Lol. We were so proud you made it to first base and now you're already in second base. Time flies. Now I kinda feel inspired to start making some moves. Oh about the other thing....I'm conflicted I can see where Khoudia is coming from but I can also see where Ariel is coming from. I'm undecided.

- Lin


Hope finished reading all of her responses, but it didn't help her like she thought it would. Actually..she was even more confused! She was glad that one forumer didn't show up to this post as she did with Hope's other posts. Ariel's question really got her thinking. Do you? The truth is, she didn't know. None of them did. Who knows if she did have some dirt on him or if it was just remarks to make him lose his temper? Well, there's no way he would tell me anyway. So I have to find that girl myself. At least I know she's a wolf, well not really, a witch-werewolf dad. He was the first. Hope remembered. And then he was the first again. Trading one loneliness for another. No difference really. I should know. Being the first of my kind too. She somberly thought. Alright. Focus. She's most likely at the Bayou. If she's not...then I'll check Marie Laveau's shop or ask Davina if she knows. I don't want to get Aunt Freya involved.

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