Chapter 49

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*10th Century on a Sunday morning. Two months have passed. Set sometime in April.

"Nik! It is almost here!" Rebekah exclaimed as she sat on top of him, shaking his chest with the palm of her hands.

"Faster." Niklaus mumbled in his sleep.

Rebekah's face instantly turned red when she felt something poking underneath her. She rubbed his chest again.

"Stop with the teasing." Niklaus groaned as he slapped Rebekah's ass.

Rebekah let out a moan, but sucked in her breath shortly after. What is going on with him? And what is wrong with me? I shouldn't let this go on. It isn't fair to him. She decided to get off of him and sit on the ground, observing him. This isn't any better.

"Don't...leave." Niklaus murmured with a frown.

"Don't leave what?" Rebekah whispered against his ear. She figured he was probably fantasizing about her. I highly doubt it's mother if he's speaking this way. She concluded.

"Don't leave me Helena." Niklaus muttered.

Rebekah quickly stood up. Helena? The servant? What? Rebekah thought, deeply confused and sadden. There must be a misunderstanding. That's all.

"Rebekah?" Niklaus quirked his brow as he rubbed his eyelids and sat up.

"I..umm...sorry. I was just um.." Rebekah stumbled against her words as she tried to remain calm, but she wanted to cry. Is that why he never wanted me to talk to her? How much does he care about her? Why does he even care? What's so special about her? Did he abandon me? She thought as she continued, "It's almost your birthday. That's...that's why I came here."

"Are you alright, Bekah?" Niklaus questioned as he stood up and lightly caressed her shoulders.

"Mm-hm. I'm fine, Nik. If you'll excuse me...." Rebekah stated as she faked a small smile and turned around, walking away.

"Rebekah, what's wrong?" Niklaus questioned as he grabbed her arm.

"Would you really like to know?" Rebekah angrily replied as she turned around and yanked her arm from his grasp.

"Yes, I would. I have no idea why on earth you are acting this way." Niklaus voiced.

"You were fantasizing about the servant in your sleep! The servant, Niklaus! Why the servant?" Rebekah barked.

"What?" Niklaus lowered his voice, a hint of disbelief.

"No doubt it was a sexual one. Well at first." Rebekah mocked, slightly pained.

"Rebekah...look. I have strange dreams. I admit that. But that's all it is. Strange dreams. Nothing more, nothing less." Niklaus sighed as he lied through his teeth. I hate you mother. I hate what you've done to me.

"Does that mean...that you have strange dreams...about me too?" Rebekah probed.

"Mm-hm." Niklaus nodded.

As quickly as her frown vanished, a grin appeared right after. She decided to test her luck and question him again. "Well...what kind?" Rebekah asked.

He shifted uncomfortably. Should I respond? She won't like the answer. And I can only blame mother for that. " isn't what you think Rebekah." Niklaus stated as he scratched his arm.

"What do you mean?" Rebekah quirked a brow.

"I told you...they're strange. They're not normal." Niklaus confessed as he glanced else where. Anything but her.

"Fine. I don't mind. I want to hear them." Rebekah whined.

"No you do not. Let this go." Niklaus grunted.

"No! Tell me. It can't be that bad. What is it? Sex? Because I have those too." Rebekah shrugged.

"No. Rebekah stop. I believe it's best if you started getting dressed. You cannot do that staying here." Niklaus shifted again.

"I know what you are doing dear brother. And that is not going to work. Nik, just tell me. Is it rape?" Rebekah probed.

"No. Stop with the games and get dressed. Mother will be here any minute now." Niklaus groaned as he began to move and grab his daily attire.

"If it is not sex and it is not rape then what else can it be? You're lying then. Torture?" Rebekah laughed.

"Yes. Torture. Great job Rebekah. Now will you leave?" Niklaus rolled his eyes and gestured.

"We are not done. What kind of torture?" Rebekah giggled, still imagining something vanilla.

"I am not playing this game with you. Do you want us to get in trouble?" Niklaus remarked.

"I am not leaving until you tell me." Rebekah stated calmly and in a matter of a fact way, as she sat on his bed.

"Fine. Alright. You want to know? I will tell you." Niklaus spoke, annoyed, as he walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders. "I dream about thrusting my cock as far as it can go inside you and penetrating you until I'm satisfied and I've impregnated you. I dream about shoving a metal rod inside you until you bleed. I dream about choking you and fucking your cunt even after you have died. Is that what you wanted to hear? Are you satisfied Rebekah?" He sternly replied as he watched her cry and scratch his hands with her nails so he'd let her go.

"Let go of me!" Rebekah shouted. To say she was disgusted was understatement. She was also equally terrified. What's going on with her brother? Why does he even know about things like that? This isn't like him. He would never say or think those kind of things.

"I thought you wanted to hear about my strange dreams, Rebekah. What happened? Disgusted? I thought so." Niklaus chuckled as he let her go. "Now leave." He spoke in a threatening tone.

"You're not Nik! You are not my brother. Nik would never think or say those things. You're a liar and a demon! And if I see you again when I return, I will bring my mother to make you disappear, whatever you are!" Rebekah wiped her tears as she quickly got up and walked out of the small hut.

Unfortunately for Rebekah this demon was a part of her brother, a part that adapted to his environment. There's only so much a psyche can withstand without any repercussion. She didn't know it at the time, but she would eventually get acquainted with this demon once Esther performs the ritual that would create the first vampires.

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