Chapter 73 - Make Fun Of Me

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M- I want your little boyfriend

B- Why?

M- Can't you see?

B- Nope

M- He's hot and 100% my type but the two boys I have ever loved have been taken by two people I truly care about.

B- Wait you're gay?

M- Yeah

B- Well if you care about me then why are you doing this? Also 2 people?

M- I'm doing this to prove that I can't be walked all over

M- And yeah 2 people Zach and Jasper

B- Not going to lie I ship Masper over Jaly

M- I wish

B- Who walks over you?

M- Everyone, no one respects me or even cares about me. No one wants me here besides Shaly, I'm always is the wrong no matter what I do and when I'm at school people always have a reason to make fun of me. It's sucks Becca. Soon it will all be over, I won't be taken advantage of anymore.

Then he pulls out a gun and he placed it against my temple, I see Isabel smirking whilst Zach looks horrified. I see Matt about to pull the trigger but before he does.......,

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