Chapter 40 - Protecting Them

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He pulls out a gun.

He points it at me.

I'm begging him to stop, to think about his actions but all he can say is 'he made me'.

B- 'He made you what Bean?'

C- 'He made me do it!'

B- 'Do what?'


He screams.

Suddenly Zach runs in but Corbyn doesn't see him so Zach can grab the gun off of Corbyn before he does anything he regrets.

He sits Corbyn down and he tells us everything.

But something isn't right!

Somethings wrong with Corbyn.

I can sense it.

'He's watching' Corbyn whispered to me

'Zach?' I question

'No, Gordon'

Gordon as in my 'dad'?

No it can't be!

Zach said it was an old manager. He lied to me!


To protect me?

I can't believe him.


But I don't, I cant!

Because I love him.

Suddenly I hear a noise.

A thud: glass breaking: a scream.

What's going on?

Then he enters the room.


G- Well well well Becca we meet again

B- What do you want?

G- You.

B- Fine, take me as long as you promise to leave all my friends alone and let Corbyn go.

G- He's free isn't he?

B- You're still controlling him Gordon I can sense it.

G- Fine you win, come with me.

I get up and walk with him. I don't care about my injuries, I'm fine now. I just want my friends to be free from this. So many of them have nearly died recently and it's all been my fault.

I follow Gordon to his van and he puts a bag over my head and ties me up.

I feel the van begin to move.

Then it stops.

I'm dragged out and chained somewhere.

It's cold.

I can't move.

I'm left there.

A barn?

A warehouse?

I don't know.

I decided to just go to sleep.

~A few hours later~

I'm woken up by someone undoing the rope that binds my wrists together and then take my blindfold off.

It was..................

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