Chapter 11 - What Happened?

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I saw something....

Something that terrified me.....

A bloody handprint!

What happened?

Where is Becca?

Questions raced through my head rapidly but I couldn't understand the situation.

Who could've done this?

I know that I don't know a lot about Becca since I haven't known her for that long but surely she should've mentioned if someone wanted to harm her.

Or worse.

Kill her!

Who would do this to such a sweet, innocent girl. She's so kind and polite. If I'm being honest with you, I love her.


Do I?

OMG! I do.

I love Becca Kylie Garcia-Harding (her parents changed her middle name as well as her last name so that she would never find her actual parents)

I finally realised that I had been stood there for a while so I turned around to tell the boys that Becca was gone when I heard something. 

A small normally unnoticeable sound.

It was....

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