Chapter 46 - Sister

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B- Well.......

I had a little sister, I say had in past tense because unfortunately she isn't with us anymore.

Z- What happened?

B- My little sister was called Noelle, she was the cutest child ever and she was 6 years younger than and she was 10 at the time, making me 16. She was the kindest person ever and ever since she was younger I would always read her a bedtime story and her favourite was called 'Frank the flamingo and his fabulous adventures' (A/N not a real book).

One night when I finished the book she turned to me and said 'If Frank is so weird, why doesn't he get bullied?' I knew it was a strange question for an 10 year old to ask so I asked her why she said that.

She proceeded to tell me how she was bullied, my own sister was bullied at school. I started singing her the song Never Be Alone ever night to help her fall asleep as she was getting to old for her book. She knew I was always there to help her when she needed me and I was the only person that knew what was going on, I didn't even tell my parents. It had been going on for ages until one day it go so bad that she couldn't deal with it.

Beccas Pov

I got home from school and when I walked through the front door, I knew something wasn't right.

No one else was home....

or so I thought.

I walked up stairs to Noelles room because she should've been back by now and I saw that her bathroom light was on but I couldn't hear anything. I walked in and she laid there: motionless. She was surrounded by pills.

They couldn't save her.

End of Flashback

Z- She committed suicide?

B- Yes, worst of all Jake blamed me. He said it was all my fault and even insinuated that I killed her. He said that I murdered my own sister. I didn't speak to him for a while after that, well actually I didn't speak to anyone. I had an internet best friend at that point called Lilley and although she had kept me alive, I blocked her with no warning and slowly lost touch with her. I don't speak to her anymore.

Z- I'm so sorry Becca

B- It's fine Zach, really it is

Z- I will always sing that song if you need me to

B- Thanks Zach I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I love you Zach

Z- I love you to Becca

Z- I know that normally people have grand gestures but I can't wait and I feel like this is a good time. I love you Becca, I always will and I will never hurt you.

Z- Becca Kylie Besson will you be my girlfriend?

B- ..............................

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