Chapter 53 - Becca Bear?

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B- "Jordan?"

J- "Becca bear?"

B- "Oh my god Jordan its really you"

I ran towards him and we hugged for what felt like an eternity.

C- I'm sorry to ruin this moment but how do you know each other?

B- We used to be best friends, he was 2 years younger than me but we were inseparable.

J- Yeah we met in kindergarten and we were always together until she left with no warning.

B- Yeah about that, I'm sorry.

J- It's ok

C- Anyway this is our mum Saskia, our dad Ray and our sister Ashley.

B- Hey guys

I waved and Jordan could tell I was nervous and he gave me a little hug. It's great to have him back again, I didn't want to leave but I had to.


I was at the park with mummy and Jordan, we were on the swings. Soon Jordan had to go, I was really sad but I knew that I would see him soon. Me and mummy went home and when we got in daddy told us all to pack, we tried asking why but he never told us.

I couldn't even say goodbye to Jordan, he doesn't know I am going. I can't imagine life without him, he's my best friend.

I guess I will just have to forget him.

Bye Jordan Besson, I will miss you so much.

Back to present day

I can't believe it didn't click when I heard Corbyns last name, I knew it sounded familiar but I assumed it was because it sounded like my last name.

I really did miss Jordan though. I'm glad I've found him again.

Jordan's Pov

I've missed Becca so much, she was such an amazing person and I was heartbroken when she left. I thought she hated me.

C- Jord can u speak to you please?

J- Sure Corbs what's up?

C- Let's go to my room

I followed him to his room.

C- Jord.......

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