Chapter 54 - Sorry

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C- Jords, I'm sorry bro

J- What for?

C- I know you liked Becca

J- Well I can't anymore, she's our sister

C- And she has a boyfriend

J- Who?

C- Zach

J- Herron?

C- Yeah

J- Cool

We went back into the kitchen where everyone else was and we ate some of mums famous cooking.

Beccas Pov

Wow mums cooking is so good.

That's weird to say 'mum' it's not really sunk in yet.

A- Hey Becca wanna go into my room and get to know each other

B- Sure

We went to Ashley's room and sat on her bed.

A- So tell me about yourself

B- Ok well my full name is Becca Kylie a Besson and I'm 17 and when I was younger, I was kidnapped and I lived my life in a family not knowing I was adopted. I found out when my cousin died because she found my birth certificate and left it to me in her will. Then my brother Jake beat me up and I didn't have a good time because I was abused by my 'mum' my entire life. Then I met WDW and my life got better.

A- Wow you went through all of that?

B- Yeah, tell me about yourself.

A- Well my name is Ashley Mae Besson and I'm 14, my life isn't that exciting. I have a few friends at school but I get bullied: bad.

B- Well if you need to talk to anyone then I'm here for you, I know what it's like to be bullied. Also if anyone hurts you physically tell me and I will beat them up.

A- Ok thanks Becca you're the best sister anyone could ever ask for

B- You're welcome Ash

A- Lets prank the boys

B- How?

A- Lets say I fell over and hurt myself, I have fake blood in my wardrobe because it's Halloween tomorrow.

B- Ok so if you lay on the floor I will apply fake blood, what will I say happened?

A- I was jumping on the bed, you went to the toilet came back and found me like this.

B- Ok

I finished applying the fake blood and the whole scene looked believable.

I quickly messaged mum and warned her what we were doing so she didn't get too worried.

B- Hey mum, me and Ash are playing a prank on the boys so if one of them screams at you telling you that Ash is hurt then don't worry it's a prank.

S- Ok thanks for warning me but don't take it too far, both the boys love Ash so much.

B- We won't don't worry.

Everything was set.

I left Ash and went into the bathroom to make the story more believable. Then Ash threw a book but made sure it landed somewhere no one could see it. When I heard the thud the book, I knew it was my signal to flush the toilet even though all I did in the bathroom was stand there. All I had to do now was walk into Ashley's room.


They both rushed in and saw Ashley's body, I started fake crying.

C- What happened?

B- She was jumping on her bed and I went to the toilet, when I came back she was like this. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be in this family. I'm a disgrace to the Besson name.

C- Becca calm down, this isn't your fault accidents happen

J- *cough* Corbyn Matthew Besson *cough*

C- Whatever Jords we both know it was you


I start fake crying again.

Now for the finale. I walk towards Ashley's balcony in her room and whisper 'goodbye world' but make sure it's loud enough for Corbyn to hear. I go to 'jump' but he catches me.

C- No Becca

B- I'm sorry Corbs, I'm sorry for everything

C- You have nothing to be sorry for

B- I do

C- What?

B- This!

I started laughing

That was Ashley's cue to sit up

The boys were so confused, it was hilarious and then it clicked.

J- What the fuck!

C- This was a prank? Really?

B- Yes really, what you gonna do about it Corbitch?

C- Ummmmmm.....

J- I now declare a prank war, girls vs boys.

B&A - Fine

C&J - Fine

Over the next few days we all played mini pranks on each other, Corbyn tried to convince me he broke his foot but I wasn't convinced. That boy should not become an actor. As revenge, Ashley decided to pour flour over Jordan when he was in the shower and then they retaliated by filling doughnuts with mayonnaise ewwww, there were a few more small pranks until we declared it officially over.

Tomorrow we are going to the Zoo and then Six Flags again, I can't wait to see Zachs face when I force him to go on the huge rollercoaster. Plus I want to see some giraffes at the Zoo, I need to remember to send Daniel a picture and tell him I met his family. Then the day after, we leave. Right now I'm at Starbucks getting me and Corbyn drinks, we both get a caramel frappe you can tell we're twins, I order the drinks whist the cashier flirts with me and then when they are ready I head home.

I go to Corbyns room and give him his, he's FaceTiming the boys because they are trying to write new music so I take that opportunity to talk to Zach. I have spoken to him everyday whist I've been here but I miss him so much. We didn't talk long though because I knew that the boys were busy.

I was bored so I went into Ashley's room to see if she wanted to hang out because Jordan was out at the skatepark with his friends.

I walk into Ashley's room and I see....

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