Chapter 6 - The Rescue?

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His name is John Migos...

To be honest I'm not actually sure who he is and what he has against Becca, all I know is that he makes me do this and if I don't he'll kill Matthew my brother.

I really can't see how he knows Becca though because John is from England and Becca has never left the state let alone the country.

What if he's trying to get me? I'm originally from Bristol, but how would he know me? And why would he make me target Becca? Shit.... what if he's going to expose me? Tell Jasper I did it. He'll break up with me for certain, he loves Becca so much. Fuck, what have I done?

Corbyns Pov (A/N you didn't see that coming did you?)

Me and the boys were walking in the woods because I was trying to find the perfect place to take Christina on a date.

Daniel: Is it going to be a picnic date?

Corbyn: Yes, she loves picnics and the outdoors

Zach: How about over there near that waterfall?

Corbyn: OMG! Yes that's perfect Zach

We started to set everything up then we heard shouts: screams.

Screams of pain: calling for help.

We run and try to find where the sound came from we couldn't find anything until we stumbled upon and abandoned hut.

"HELP!" The female voice screamed again; pleading for someone to help them. As we cautiously walked closer to the door, the screams stopped.

Shalys Pov:

When I got to the shack in the morning, she was gone....

What was I going to do?

She'd escaped...

I couldn't explain why....

I'm going to lose everything that's ever meant anything to me....

Then I came to terms with the reality.

She really has gone....

Or has she?

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