Chapter 48 - Past Tense

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B- I.....


GROOT! 😂😂😂 (kidding)

I am pregnant!

Z- What? When? Did you cheat on me? I can't believe you. I loved you and you threw it away, you cheated on me! I can't believe you Becca. You always said that you would never cheat because you don't believe it's right but you lied. You're just an attention seeking whore, no one likes you: slut! FUCK OFF! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!

B- Wait you loved me, as in past tense?

Z- Yeah now fuck off whore!

I ran out.

I didn't know where I was going but I ran out.

Corbyns Pov

C- Bro WTF

Z- Don't defend your whore of a sister, she's a slut—

C- Shut your mouth Zachary, she is none of those things.

Z- She cheated on me bro, she's fucking pregnant.

C- Yeah I know

Z- Wait you knew and didn't tell me, wow that's low

C- I didn't tell you because you don't understand the entire story

Z- Go on then tell me

C- .......


Beccas Pov

Me and Zach have been dating for 3 days and I really like him.

No wait!


Suddenly I got a message on my phone

From my 'cousin' Jake Paul

Jakeyyyyyy🤪🤩 - Becca, meet me at the park in 10 mins

Becca😎 - Ok

I got there and I see him, Chance and Anthony

B- Hey

C- Hey

J- Cuzzzzyyyyy

A- Yo

We talk and mess about for a bit and then I go back to the Team 10 house but before I go me and Jake decide to hang out for a bit.

It went wrong..

He raped me!

Back to present time

Zachs Pov

C- She was raped

Z- Yeah right you're just sticking up for her

C- She really was and if you don't believe me then fuck you. Move whilst I go look for my sis.

Z- Whatever

He's lying, he must be. Right?

Corbyns Pov

I look for Becca everywhere but I can't find her. I can't message her. She has blocked me and all of the boys.

Where is she?


I see her!


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