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-months passed by-

I was on my way to go to another case when my phone rang.


Hey I need you to come like now!

Whose this?

Its dean

Dean why are you calling me

We need your help for this case please. Someone captured Sam!


Oh god this was what I didn't want. I hope he's ok.
I stopped at a light when I eee sam.

Me: Sam!!

What he's there?

He's here by himself what the hell happened?

Just get him in the car and drive over here please.

Fine. Where?

Carlsbad California

That's 3 day drive

You'll make it in day and a half if you start driving over here

Fine!! I'll be there soon.

Please help him.

I will.

I hung up and ran to Sam. He had just sat down on the sidewalk.

"Sam!!! " I yelled. He looked up his face was hurt. It hurt me so bad that he was hurt. "Y/n?" He asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "You got the wrong guy" he said "what are you-" but he knocked me out before I could say anything.



I woke up and I didn't know where I was at. I looked down and I had a dress...not just any dress. A wedding dress.

"What the hell is going on?" I thought. I got up but my hands were tied so I couldn't really get up. I looked for something but I couldn't find anything. I needed something rough. I looked there was a knife. I got it by crawling I eventually got to it. I started cutting myself free but I cut myself by accident. I was free. The door opened and a guy walked in.

"Oh your awake sweetie" he said. "Why am in a wedding dress you freak?!?!" I said. "Oh don't be so mean to your almost new husband darling" he said. "You freaking shape shifter" I said. "Why the hell did I had to go that way. " he came closer and he was surprisingly not that bad. "Wow" I said. "Like what you see?" He said. "Not in a million Years...why did you get me and put me in a wedding dress? " I asked.

He looked at Me just staring at me. He smiled in a creepish way. "You don't know who I am do you?" He asked. "No who are you?" I asked. He smiled he smiled just like someone I knew and had to leave behind. "Have you figured it out yet?" He asked. "Please please don't let it be who I think it is" I thought. "Its Me ........Adam" he said. I was afraid he would say that. "Your a shapeshifter?" I asked.

"Well what do you expect... Your the one who left me and went back to hunting " he said "it wasn't my fault I had too!!!! If I didn't you could have gotten killed. Maybe the way that my parents had died!!! " I yelled "I left to protect you.... I left voice mails trying to explain to you. "

"You could have let me help you!!" He yelled. "You lied to me" I did but not the way he did "I did but not the way you did you never told me who you really were why didn't you?!?! You know I wouldn't have judged you I'm not like everyone else. " I said. "I never told you because I knee you were a hunter and other hunters could have been after me" he said. "You know I wouldn't have let anything happen to you, you know that.. Your the one who helped me why would I sell you out. " I said. He looked sad I couldn't blame him he captured me. "Please let me go this isn't you" I said. "I can't let you go I love you too much to let you go" he said.

He came close with his knife I thought I was gonna die. But he was setting me free. He was cutting the ropes when the door busted open.

We both turned around and saw it was Sam and Dean they were gonna Adam. "Put your guns down!! " I yelled."he's a freaking shapeshifter. " Dean said "I don't care he's Adam. " I said. "He's Adam? " Sam asked. "Yes now put your freaking guns down now" I said. They still didn't do it. I was able to get loose and stand up. I put myself in front of Adam to protect him. "Don't shoot him" I said. "He's a shapeshifter y/n he nearly killed me!!" Sam said. "But your alive!" I yelled. "Why are you protecting him he knocked you out and brought you here he kidnapped you!!" Sam yelled. "But I'm alive and fine so leave it alone" I said.  They still didn't believe me. "I swear if any of you pull the trigger I will block it to whatever it takes I'm not letting you kill an innocent human being" I said. They still didn't do it. Out of nowhere Adam had gotten a gun and he got me. "One more step I will shoot you both. " Adam said. "Adam please..." I said. "I'm serious they are gonna kill me" he said. "Go and run I'm letting you go" I said. "What?" He asked  "I'm gonna let you go and I will hold them off. " I said.

He followed but he moved and Sam and Dean had their guns to him. "Don't you dare-" but they pulled the trigger but I jumped in front and I blocked it. "Y/n!!!" Adam yelled. I got shot..

Forgive And Forget? *Sam Winchester x reader Love Story*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora