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I woke up and opened my eyes. I looked around the room and I was in bed. I smiled I was so tired. I turned around to go back t sleep. "AAHHHHHH!!! " I screamed. "What?!?!?" Dean said getting up. "What the hell happened last night??" I asked. "We did you know..." He said. "Oh my god are you serious??" I asked wit a worried. "Yes...by he way you were great yesterday..oh and you have a mark on your neck. Your welcome." Dean said. "Its not funny....I can't believe I did this." I said.

He looked at me wit sympathy but with a smirk. "Look no one needs to know about this...well keep this to ourselves until the day we die. " he said. "Agree." I said. "Good..in the mean time we need to get up and do more research on finding Sam. " he said. "Oh...right." I said. I got upset. It been a couple of days and no sign. I didn't know what else to do. The demons had no idea where their type was at and who could have gotten Sam. I just wished that if we do find him things don't go out of hand. "Look y/n we'll find him. I promise I'm not going to let anything bad happen to him. For sure as hell whoever does anything to him they'll get a beating ass of a life time. And I will protect you as if you were mine while Sam is gone. I promise." He said. I was in deep aww on how dean was acting. I hugged him and  hugged back and kissed the top of my head even though we were naked together. "Thank you dean." I said. "No problem rugrat. I wouldn't dream of anything bad happening to you, not on my watch. " Dean said. I looked at him and smiled he pecked my lips and smiled.









We've been looking and searching. Cass has got his angels looking for Sam and for any sign of him. Crowley has contacted me a few times and offered me his help. I accepted it but Dean and Cass didn't.

I was looking in deep detailed into the book when I hear foots approaching behind me. I grabbed my blade and got ready to strike. The foot steps got closer and I turned around and kicked their leg and let them fall and put my foot on their neck. "Woah easy their please...I know we didn't do something good last night but don't beat me up for it." It was dean I smirked. "Yeah..why shouldn't I?? " I said laughing. "Because you loooovveee me too much to do it." He said. I thought about it. "True that." I said. I pulled out my hand and helped him get up.

"Now on more serious terms..I think I may have gotten a clue where Sam might be." Dean said. I looked up at him with a serious look. "Where?" I asked.












We arrived at the abandon warehouse. I got out of the impala and walked over to it. Dean signaled me to look around the other way and separate. I walked around the back while dean looked in the front. I was walking around and the closer I got the closer I heard people talking. I hid behind some containers and heard them talk I couldn't quite see who they were.

"We just have to wait to see her." The girl said. "We need to see her Now. Her other father might be coming to her. If we both meet together things can go wrong. Things can happen and might affect her or killer her. We have to move fast." He said.

I was  in shock. My phone then vibrated and it was dean calling me. I walked out away carefully and answered the phone.


Where are you?!?!?- dean

I'm inside I was inside the cabin why?- You

We need to go now. I think we just found one of your fathers.-Dean

Yeah.....I know. - Me

What do you mean?- Dean

I'll get back to you and tell you everything eventually now- Me
Come back quick then- dean

Yeah..- me

I hung up the phone and started walking.

Forgive And Forget? *Sam Winchester x reader Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now