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I couldn't go back and tell dean about what I know. I don't want them in danger. Sam is already in danger and I don't want dean to be part of it. Things can go wrong something can happen to them things can go really wrong. I walked a different direction to where dean was. I couldn't tell him yet. Not yet. My phone rang I looked at the color ID it was Dean. I turned off my phone and walked to a near by bar. I went inside and sat down.

"Can I get you anything?" I looked up amd it was a demon. I didn't feel like fighting right now so I let it slip. "Just a beer and I know your demon and I don't feel like fighting so leave me alone try to kill me I don't care. " I said. He looked at me shock. "Wow there must really be something wrong with you.." He said. "Yeah no kidding." I said. "Is it about Winchester." He asked. "What do you know?" I asked. "Look I'm not suppose to tell you this but your father has him.." He said. I didn't know what to say. I was shocked I was impressed. I was worried. "Your lying its been a month there's been no trace of him.." I said. "I'm not lying one of your fathers has him..I don't know who but one of them does." He said. I took my drink with me and walked back to the bunker. It wasn't true that my father had Sam. It couldn't be.

I arrived at the bunker and saw no one.

"Hello?.." I said. I put my beer down and sat down on the desk tried to figure something out. If it was even right that my own father had Sam. I've lost all hope and I can't even think about this anymore.

"Are you okay?" He said. "I'm fine Cass" I said. He came close to me and stood in front of me. "Look I know its seem like a long time since we've seen Sam. But I know we'll find him. " He said. "Cass..its Been almost 2 freaking months without any trace of him. I can't do this anymore!!! Cass I've lost it. And then most of all one of my fathers is coming and they're going to visit me any day. Dean wants to know what Anon told me I don't even know what to say to him. " I said. Tears started coming out I blinked them away because I just didn't like crying. "Sshh..I know it's hard but I promise we will find him. And I will be here for you." Cass said. I gave him a small smile. He was a great guy. I just want Sam back. He started to lean in and did I we then got closer and...
"Oh am I interrupting something??!?" He said. We looked up and I saw a mad and angry dean. "Dean.." I said. "We'll talk about this later..I know where Sam is." He said. "Where?!?" I said. "He's in an abandoned farm house in Tennessee. We need to pack and go there now. I know who has him." He said. "Who..." I said. I felt like i knew already who. I didn't think it was him. "Your father.." He said.

Forgive And Forget? *Sam Winchester x reader Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now