Chapter 38 - Family

Start from the beginning

"What? But what?!"

"We think she's going to kill her regardless."

"To get under Marcus's skin."

"And make him go on a rampage."

"No... She... S-She can't do this!"

"We have a plan of how you could save them both and get Carter back as General."

"But, nobody will like it."

"Uhm, okay. What is it?"

"You need to sacrifice yourself"

"To prove that they are still skillful-"
"Reliable Warriors."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to make Mallory think you're using your Corruption to kill her."

"Then let the Warriors all work together to kill you and protect Mallory."

"With her life saved-"
"She'll entrust the Warriors."

"I see... So... in order to guarantee everyone's survival... I'd have to die."

"Well... We could try to fake your death."

"But with how orders have been with Mallory."

"She'd make sure you're dead."

"What happens if we don't follow through with this plan?"

"Joceline would definitely die."

"Since she expected y'all to escape she'll definitely use Lizzie."

"And even kill Lizzie. Mallory doesn't hesitate and isn't scared to kill us."

"To her, if it's for the greater good of mankind and will risk much fewer lives."

"She'll do anything."

"Eventually, at least we believe, she'll kill you all."

"Yeah... I understand that. There has to be another way."

"More importantly."

"We need to show you where she has Lizzie."

"We need you to really think in your heart what's at stake here."

They turn on these monitors. They all seem to be camera monitors. Wait... These are cameras to the room I was in before. The concrete room they trapped me in when they found out I was Corrupted.

Oh no!

They have her locked down to a chair with at least thirty tubes injected into her back all going up toward the roof beyond the cameras POV. The tubes are all full of blood except for one. One of them is injected in her lower back close to where her liver would be. It's full of a glowing yellow and purple liquid that doesn't mix together.

She's only in what's left of her skinsuit armor. It's been ripped to shreds and she's mostly exposed. She has cuts and bruises all over herself...

"What are they doing to her?"

"We don't know."

"However, that tube there is definitely filled with Corruption along with some other fluid."

"Whatever they're doing, if you care about her."

"Then this plan is the fastest way to saving her from that hell."

"It'd be easier to sneak in and get General back into command."

"Now there is another option."

"Riskier and very likely of failure."

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