Chapter 49 - Query

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School has been so weird ever since Lizzie and I got together. Nobody knows how to treat me but they also don't know how to treat Lizzie. She got her schedule fixed since the whole neighborhood meeting and I'm so glad. Class without her sucked while that was all going on.

Lizzie praises me for saving her from school drama and her family. She has changed drastically from when I once knew her. However, I believe she keeps her same personality, it's just her mindset that has changed. She is still bossy and does things her way; she doesn't allow anyone to alter her path or course she makes for herself.

School had just ended. I finally got through a full day of school, more or less. Accompanied by Lizzie, I have noticed we get away with a lot more than we should. I had always thought that they bribed their way out but, I guess being at the top of this school really sets good impressions on the teachers. They don't have the high expectations as I thought unless it comes to the work.

Today we are supposed to be going out on another mission. We are doing a guided crystal collection mission with another squad. We are introducing a squad that is now qualified for a mission into the Corrupted realm. We do the first one with them to help them get settled in and spend the day with them welcoming them into the high ranks. Normally, any high-ranked squad would be the ones assigned to this mission. The Warriors and the Destiny Division are allowed to pick their own mission, and sometimes even split the squad up into multiple missions accordingly, from a selection.

Lizzie's been driving and teaching me along the way. Pretty soon, she wants me to get my driver's license. 



"Are... Are you happy?"

"Hmm? Yeah, of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just... Kingston and I have been talking."

"What are you saying, Lizzie?"
I say seriously.

"You still deal with the issues of Corruption. He and I have no connection to our Corrupted, most likely they died, and you... You seem to just handle it differently. We got stronger and overcame it, then learned to control it. Corruption never goes away. It's like a virus. It spreads and no matter how much you get rid of, it's never truly gone till every last bit is eradicated."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Kingston and I use Corruption as a power, a weapon. You seem to be able to let it come and go but you have little to no control over it and when Claw decides he wants to be in control."

"Lizzie, no! I am perfectly fine-"
"After today, we don't know that!"


"I'm sorry. I just worry about you. You are... Well, fragile."

"Lizzie... You don't think I'm strong enough?"

"It isn't that. Look we have no idea why we can control it and the army wants to know. The army has been testing and doing procedures on Kingston instead of you and me. They think we all have something in common."

"What?! That's ridiculous!"

"No, it's not. The plan was that they did those to you, but, it just made more sense to do them to him. That's the requirement for his freedom and to allow him to join the Warriors. Well, actually, they just don't want to have Corrupted soldiers spread out."

"So... Kingston's sacrificing himself for us?"

"Well... Yes and no. It's not necessarily his choice but, yeah he is the experiment. The thing is, we don't agree with them. The army want's to believe that this is consistent and not just random because of our circumstances."

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