Chapter 17 - Demons

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This guy laughs as we walk in circles. I keep my eyes on him. I need to pay attention to his every move and even copy it if I have to. I need to learn how to act on my feet, keep my attention on things happening around me.

People start booing, suddenly he's approaching me with a stern look. He swung his left hand, I sweep to-Ack! His right punch caught me as I swept right into it. I recovered as he laughed again. I need to make sure I don't fall for that again. He charges toward me again but he goes for an uppercut! I step back and see his left hook coming again. I duck and sweep under his left punch... Now is my chance to attack! I'm in an awkward position to throw a punch... But maybe if I swing my elbow backward, ill hit the back of his head...


What?! He fell in an instant! The crowd goes silent for just a second... But, all of a sudden he sweeps me from the floor... I slam down, but, it didn't hurt too bad. The bad part of this is that he is getting up faster than I am.


He stomps his foot onto my back! He stomps over and over! Fuck! He lifts his leg, I rollover tripping him from his other leg. I get up-fuck! Am I... Am I coughing up blood?!

"Alright, kid, Enough bullshit! I'm gonna kill yo ass!"

He stopped laughing so much... Damn! My back hurts like hell! I can't stand straight. Focus, Nathan! He's getting back up. I bring my fists up again... He doesn't look hurt at all... Hang on... He keeps trying to open his eyes wide. He is blinking a lot as if he just blacked out! On the outside, he's fine! But something ain't right inside. It must've been when I landed the elbow.

He slowly approaches me and goes for a left-Wait! He went down and-Ack!


What's this ringing noise?

Did I black-out?

I'm on the floor!

I try my hardest to get up...

He threw a kick to my head by faking me out! He's distracted by the crowd's attention... This is my moment to attack... I hate that I have to think this way but I need to be going in for a kill... Geez. This is horrible... I sigh... Okay, I need to throw my hits in before he notices I'm not out yet. I run in and throw a spinning elbow straight to his neck. He slammed into the cage and slammed to the ground immediately. In a couple of seconds, he finally gets regenerated!

The crowd went silent but then starts to cheer soon after... Did I win? My right eye is all bloodied up and swollen, I'm coughing up blood, and I can barely stand with my back. I think I twisted it and hurt it more... Pico came in the ring and took me out of there fast...

Once we were out, we stopped outside...

"What the fuck was that?"

"What do you mean? I won."

"Yes, amigo, against the champion! Meaning they need a new champion of the ring. They all look toward you. You the guy who beat his ass."

"So what? I just won't accept it."

"No, ya see, this ain't a place you can just decline, ya feel. If ya lucky, they just stick with Cleaver but he ain't gonna have a good rep. After that, you just made new enemies."

I get what he's saying, but, I can feel my body getting weaker and my vision is slowly fading...



As I gather myself and collect my breath... I'm at the Warriors barracks? I... What happened? I must've blacked-out. Woah! My face is healed! I was just regenerated then... I get up from the floor and now I see everyone, including Lizzie, standing in front of me.

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