Chapter 19 - Identity Thief

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Last night was great. Lizzie seemed happy for the rest of the night after she left Zander. She seems... free.

We slept together again and she's smiling...

"You awake?"

She softly opens her eyes...

"Yeah. I wanna stay like this a little longer before they separate us again today."

So we are training again after all. It seems like we'll be training in a bunch of different ways according to each of their personalities.


After a while, Lizzie gets up and dressed. I get into my suit and get everything together.

Oh right! My knife! I need help putting it back in my storage. Wait... Where is my knife?

"Hey, Lizzie."

She comes out of the bathroom wearing tight sports apparel...

"What do you need, Nathaniel?"

"Uhm. Er... Oh, right! My knife. Have you seen it anywhere?"

"It should be in your storage."

"I may have got it out while I was home."

"Dumbass! Where did ya put it then?"

"I put it on my shelf. I don't see it anywhere."

"Just spawn it then."

I do my motion and-

Nothing happened.

Okay, let's try this again.


I'm starting to panic. What happened to it?!

"Nathaniel... Oh no... You... You didn't bring it with you to the fight, did you?"

"That's right! I never put it up, to begin with! I never handed it to anybody though."

"Fuck, Nathaniel! How'd you let this happen?!"

I stare blankly. I'm sort of frozen, unsure of how significant the problem is...

"Come follow me, Dumbass."

She takes me out of the room and straight out the front door. She seems pissed... Is it that bad?


We finally make it to this huge headquarters and head straight toward the back. A couple of guards try to stop us but, Lizzie pulls me in and keeps walking till we finally arrived.

There is this black steel door and Lizzie barges in! There are guards pointing guns at us in every direction! General is sitting at this big table with that girl I first met here, standing by the General's side... Mallory was her name!

"Lizzie, why are we here!"

"Shush Nathaniel. Let me do the talking."

"Z719! What is the meaning of this intervention?! This is the second offense-"
"Ahh, that's enough Mallory."

She looks offended at first but soon fixes herself...

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"However, Lizzie, you can't keep barging in whenever you feel like it. You're lucky these guards having shot you yet."

"Sir, Z237 might currently have his Identification stolen!"

"I'm sorry, what!"

"We believe his Signature knife was stolen when P160 took him to the Venibora."

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